I got hacked and the hacker changed my Email and password..I don't know how to get it back,I contacted support,bu they can't just give me the password,Can someone help?
also, posting in general discussion wont get the attention of the people you need.
I dont need "Smart" Words,I just ned help with getting my password ,My IGN was Nrtoprince,but I didn't get a confirmation email.
Why can you post here, even though you can't access your account?
Aren't they the same?
This may be a forum account, either made separate from his account, or another account to inform that he's been hacked.
Nrto, if you've bought any CE in-game then OOO will have records of that.
So send them a petition, tell them someone hacked your account, and offer to give them your credit card / paypal / other payment method details and they can match those against the records they have.
That's probably your best option. If you haven't bought any, I don't know what else to suggest.
However, I do suggest going to your email address and changing your password. Better safe than sorry.
If you scroll to the bottom of this page, the very bottom, you'll see a link that says "Help! I got Hacked!" See if that can do anything for you.
This is why you should have 2 separate passwords for your account and e-mail.
Try and make your passwords longer and more unpredictable. Using lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and symbols can make a password indestructable, only when combined. Changing your password often helps too.
I recommend clicking that "Help! I got hacked!" button below. Also, how are you still posting here? Are you a steam player that made a separate account to post here before OOO allowed you to merge accounts? Cause if your steam account got hacked then you should really use Steam Guard.
Anyways. Best of luck to you, I hope you get your account back and I hope everyone else posts better info than me. I really don't know how or why you got hacked. Did you piss someone off?
"I dont need "Smart" Words,I just ned help with getting my password ,My IGN was Nrtoprince,but I didn't get a confirmation email."
lmao, he just told u what u can do to attempt to recover ur acc. if u didnt got any confirmation emails then u didnt register like u should and there is little to no opportunities for u to get it back if that is the case.
ur confirmation email is what u need in this kind of situations
I'm assuming he was talking to crimsonsteel, in which case I can see he was getting a bit annoyed.
One reason they can't give you your password is that they don't know your password. Or at least if Three Rings is smart, then they don't store your passwords. That's too insecure. If they have a list of passwords stored somewhere, then all it takes is one clever hacker or disgruntled IT employee and the whole list of usernames and passwords leaks out onto the Internet for everyone to see.
And no, they don't just encrypt the passwords, either. Or at least they shouldn't, as that's too insecure, as if they have the key to decrypt it, then a hacker or disgruntled employee could conceivably get that and then there's the whole list of usernames and passwords leaked onto the Internet. That's a PR disaster.
Three Rings doesn't need to know your password. All that they need to know is that you know your password, in order to verify that you're you. They need to know that the password you enter to log in one day is the same as the password you entered when you created the account, or perhaps the last time you changed it, but they don't need to know what your actual password is. That's why they use hash functions, and only keep hashes of passwords: so that if the database gets stolen, all that the hacker ends up with is a list of hashes of passwords, and no actual passwords. Well, he'd get a lot of actual passwords because people pick things that are insecure (e.g., any real English word) and could be brute-forced, but he wouldn't get the actual passwords of anyone who picks something reasonably strong.
What they could do is to change your password, and send you the new password.
One tip: don't put "password" as password to your account.
Another tip: don't make your in-game's character name same as account name.
Last tip: don't post this kind of problem on "general" forum. Post it in tech support instead.
Oh and most likely you won't get your account back unless you can prove its your account. How? Read those "smart words" and try to understand them, they have all the info you need.
If they hacked yer email, that would be yer first security breach.
You may have had mail considering SK in yer email and they latched onto that.
Square yer email away. Dodge a new email to SK if you can.
If SK AND yer eMail got hacked, I would watch out fer yer email first.
Just my thoughts.
If they changed your email and password then you should have had an email to confirm these changes (I assume they changed the email first so you only got 1 confirmation email). If this is the case and they managed to confirm the change then you have bigger problems because the hacker is in your email accounts now (change password).
If you did get these confirmations then you should be able to point this out to support and I'm assuming they have logs of what got changed and when.
Also: If you've ever bought any energy you can probably give them transaction details to prove you're you.
I am assuming that this is genuine and you've made another account to post this in the forums.