Here's a thread for all of you imaginative types: plot twists in our Cradle endeavors.
We've all had mass speculation about the Ironclaw Munitions Factory, what other additions to the plot have you wanted or thought about? A Chromalisk King? The Dark (mecha) Knight? Kats riding on Greaves Avatar-style?
Here's my contribution.
It turns out that the Strangers who have befriended us on this planet have an alternate motive. After centuries of trying to get to the Core, they notice the Skylark, the Spiral's beloved transport vessel, in nearby space. Using advanced technology, they cause it to crash.
Enter Spiral Knights.
With this new addition into the fray, the Strangers manipulate the Spiral Knights into venturing to the Core, a place they themselves have been unable to reach. Because the truth is, the Strangers aren't harmless, gentle traders. They are something entirely different, a race of beings bent on controlling the planet of Cradle. Only they and the Gremlins understand the complex workings of the Clockworks, but while the Gremlins are content to tinker and wrench, the Strangers want true control. Up until now, the Snarbolax, Jelly King, and Lord Vanaduke along with King Tinkizar have been able to prevent the Strangers from accessing the Core. They weren't prepared, however, when the Skylark crashed on Cradle's surface and brought the Spiral into their midst.
To us, the Strangers appear to be masters of knowledge; kind, generous, and helpful along with their snipe counterparts. However, under the surface, another story lies...
Then, it turns out that Basil didn't kill our father, he is our father!