This guide is for those who have multicore processors
Hopefully it will boost your performance when playing Spiral Knights.
1.) Open task manager
-You know... ctrl+alt+del
-or ctrl+shift+escape
-or right click the task bar and click start task manager
2.) Go to processes tab
3.) Find and right click the spiral knights process
-It should be the "javaw.exe" process
4.) Click set affinity
5.) Uncheck all boxes except CPU 0
6.) Click ok and close task manager
The changes should occur immediately and you can make changes wherever you are, in the game, just alt + tab out of the game or something.
I run spiral knights on a less than average to average laptop and I noticed a huge increase in performance.
Loading times were cut in about half in all cases.
And the frames per second went up dramatically.
I was even able to run the game at a higher resolution.
However, if your computer is already awesome, this guide may not be as helpful to you.
One final note, you must do this every time you start up the game.
And with that, good luck, and enjoy spiral knights!
I want to know... is this safe for my computer? I don't want any programs to run wrong or blow up or anything like that... :{