Nick's Twitter
Testing some new guns in SK this morning- very different from what's in there now. Looking forward to getting these in the wild.
Nick's Twitter
Testing some new guns in SK this morning- very different from what's in there now. Looking forward to getting these in the wild.
I'm hoping for a Gremlin Scorcher flamethrower and a Rocket Puppy rocket launcher. :D
Hearing there are some new guns coming is really awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing them in action!
But what about the myriad of concerns Gunslingers have already put forth, mostly regarding Gunslinger Armors and the question of role Guns play because of poor reload times, damage output, and so on? I know that's a lot more more work than releasing a couple new guns, but if the new guns offset some of these concerns even slightly, it'll only further highlight the need for the older guns to be fixed. And if the new guns have the same problem as the old guns, well, then yay new guns but please give guns some attention!
It's no-win at the moment, I know. But I'm willing to be patient, I really am. But it'd help too if I (and everyone else) knowing some real attention is coming for Gunslingers down the line.
Short of a continuous fire (and possibly even lock-on) laser beam weapon... meh.
isn't that what the autogun series is for?
Hopefully this new stratum and gun release brings a major update with it. That could easily address any gun concerns.
let one of those guns be a poison alchemer....
cus it better shoot bombs.... like a 'nade launcher or soming....
The very first two handed weapons? RIFLES! No shields allowed, or perhaps a weaker built-in shield option, and high ranged damage.
Or would that be too different? It would require new animations, which might push it over the top in terms of effort required to devleop.
Maybe... dual handguns?
I finally think I have all the gear/weapons I want for a while (till new bosses require new stuff) and now I have to start a new gun line!
It never ends! lol =)
It will suck to have to craft a bunch of new 5* gears... but if they are actually worth it I'm game.
Not excited... but waiting...
Oooooooooooo, interesting!
-Gun Puppy Rocket Launcher
-Retrode Laser Beam
-Gremlin Scorcher Flamethrower
^would like to see those as the new guns.
Some gremlins think they can outsmart me.
I've yet to see one that... failed to outsmart bullets. :(
Can't wait to punch these gremlins in the face.
My fists, they are definitely made of steel.
Wasn't there a post at some point that there was a shotgun weapon type in the coding? I would definitely go for that if they ever get developed.
Guns! GUNS!!! More dakka!!!
New guns? Finialy! This might make up for the stupid bomberman remake.
Or was this a old post before roarmulus......
We do need some new gun types though.
Some decent burst fire guns, that fire multiple shots with one click.
Some shotguns.
Some lasers, that give us one big blast that goes through enemies in exchange for charge up time per shot.
And flamethrowers.
Cool, but put that comment somewhere else, this should be in the graveyard, the guns came out.
I want a gun that launches lawn chairs or something. Those devilites don't know what's about to happen.
*Fires roses at dancinjen out of his lurvecannon*
Some more unusual guns could be fun. :p
A gun that fires chairs and such (to match the Devilites) with a charge attack that throws a whole desk at them.
Show them who's boss! :)
Suggestions guys, really. put this in suggestions, make a new thread, whatever. Jusayin'.
I already did make a new thread in Suggestions.
I do what I want dang it.
I love roses. :D
*Adds roses to the list of gifts to shower dancinjen with*
Flame thrower!!!they cause strong fire but low damage.It should be two star and higher.
Two star
Old flamethrower.
Three star
Gremlin Flamethrower
Four star
Big Bad Flamethrower
Five star
Master flamethrower.
I want to be a sniper :3