Has the makers like died or something, I mean when is the official release, beta has been since 2008, release already!
Um anybody out there?

don't, worry the shadow, it wont be as bad as duke nukem forever. and technically it wasn't even in alpha in 08, nor was it alpha in the 3rd preview as they had just introduced energy. (although i still liked that gameplay). how have the makers remotely died? we've been getting updates every week, and remember this is a small team of developers, so cut them some slack. i don't even see the need for it to be released even if it were completed.... it just means more people and overcrowded servers like the 2nd preview (- the more people lol). and the devs are still sorting a lot of things out~ have you noticed the balancing, bugs and lack of story? so slow down..... and look both ways before crossing the road

They don't want this game to end up in failure like their previous games...

Going along Fallout's opening lines. Copyright 2008 does not mean that the game existed in 2008; simply that ideas, concepts and code that were created in 2008 are used in this game.
The unreleased game Bulletstorm has signifigant portions that are Copyright 2009 when it's unlikely the game idea even existed. It's because it's base off the Unreal Engine 3 that was released in 2009.
> They don't want this game to end up in failure like their previous games...
Hmm. I'm sorry to hear that YPP, which had 6+ years of success, is a "failure".

I am talking about Whirled and Bang! Howdy
I love whirled, so hey >o
anyway, yeah spiral knights should take their time,
and whirled doesn't need major work to be a non "fail." other then too many kawaii avatars in it, whirled is good.
I belive spiral knights has all the ingredients to create a successfull game. I do feel they may be releasing it a bit early, due to the lack of balance on alot of the gear they have released (based off of the last week of the preview event). That, however, does not mean that they have not fixed the balancing issues in this small amount of time. Remember, like your parents told you when you were young, anythings possible, and the sky is the limits.
I have faith that Three Rings is doing the right thing, realeasing when they are. Even tho I feel their deal with Sega might have bumped their deadline for official release a lil faster then planned. I still have more faith then them than any religion that exists!!! lol (As we know SK was created by OOO and we have no evidence what-so-ever that anythign in this world was created by a "god", other then the "man made" bible, lol.) :P
I really dont care what year SK was thought of and started development, in all reality the only thing that matters is what happens after April 4th, 2011. Amen.
(Edit: I Said July 4th on accident, guess I excited to blow things up this year :P)

Three rings are pretty god-like
Ill be watching out for Genesis of SK, and the gospel according to blackhat.
I'm just going to turn away and start walking.
Spiral Knights doesn't even have the Core updated, so why would you want it updated now?
Not to mention armor art is so simplistic. Releasing Spiral Knights NOW would give Spiral Knights bad reviews, meaning less players will pay to play, meaning... Spiral Knights disappear.
EDIT: Made post sound less angry.