Just wondering if anyone out there knows when PvP is coming back to SK. I've seen videos from Beta and it looks fun...Maybe someone from OOO will respond...
Anyone know when OOO is planing to bring back PvP?
PvP was widely announced, and there was a recent poll about it. It shouldnt take much longer.
Couldn't OOO just make the arenas like tiers so you would need a certain level of gear to get in?

Nick said that PvP was in the works in the "Whats in development" thread:
I don't really see how PvP would require much balance tuning at all. There is no class system in this game; everybody has access to the same gear as everybody else.
Even assuming that certain items would be overpowered is ridiculous, since there is gear to defend/resist every damage type and status effect. While it's entirely possible (even likely) that you will run into someone that has no defense to your attack, it's equally likely that you will run into someone that is optimized to kill you.

There could be a system that has a list of stats for PvE and another for PvP, the equipment would still remain relatively the same compared to one another.
Different calculations for damage could also be put in place.
So the knights react differently to weapons than monsters do?

In a theory that would make balancing possible without too much disruption to the game, yes.

Why not just have a few new sets of PvP gear with the release of the PvP patch?
Wolver series PvP gear, Cobalt/plate series PvP gear and Magic series PvP gear, along with matching Striker PvP series, Calibur PvP series and some other staff type PvP series for magic oriented players?
All 3 types cater to a wide range of player types/styles and I would play the heck out of the game if they added something new that is worth playing for and PvP is certainly one of them.
Although PvP might be fun it would require insane amounts of balancing, which would mean changing of the current gear. Balancing PvP and PvE at the same time could be very hard, because some status effects would be considered very over powered in PvP.