Wednesday and Thursday I was charged around 120 crowns each time I started at moorcraft manor. The first time I had under 10 mist but had crystal and thought it would take CE for the elevator. Instead they charged me 120 crowns. I thought this was some kind of backup system but, it happened the next time I went. This time I had both enough mist and CE to use the elevator but still got charged 120 crowns. Is this a bug or new policy that wasnt stated in any of the update e-mails ?.
Charged crowns to go to Moorcraft Manor bug
I've completed tier 1 and I'm working on tier 3 either way it didn't notify me that I would get charged.
When you choose to join a tear it will tell you in the gate menu how much you are going to pay. To waive the T2 and T3 join costs you need to have beaten that specific gate's previous tier. Say if you wanted to join the Emerald Falcon gate at Tier 2. If you have not played Tier 1 on that gate you will have to pay 10 energy and 200 crowns to start at Moorcroft Manor. But, if you have beaten its Tier 1, then you will only pay 10 energy to start at Tier 2.
When you click on a tier that you have not gained clearance for, the cost shown to the upper left of that party window will reflect a crown cost. It's 200 for Tier 2 and 500 for Tier 3.
you sure it wasnt 200 crowns..
becouse, if you have not completed tier 1 in that particular gate, you get charge 200 Crowns when you skip Tier 1..