Health Distribution
I really dont have the problem with intraparty distribution of health/vitapods (use voice coms people, makes things better) that other people seem to have. My biggest issue is the streaky nature of heart distribution. My wife and I will run a level, and have hearts all over the place, no problem keeping at a reasonable heart level. And then there are the levels, where even playing "correctly" and even with only moderately difficult foes, we are hovering between 1 and 3 health all level. A heart pops, and her comment is "im all the way up to 3.5, you take it." This has inspired us to various seemingly abusive tactics, like using the gated switchbacks to trap the npcs and gun them down over the wall. One of the segments that seems especially hard on the health bar is the gunpuppy/spike maze. If its deep enough, the gun puppies are mkIIs and its like playing one of those insane J-schmups. Even with attentive and careful play, you will ineveitably get hit by a few of the shots, and if you are already hovering at 2-3 health, it makes pushing on very frustrating.
To add insult to injury, it feels like they always add hearts to the end of a level where you wont need them, IE right before a subtown, or the terminal. Or putting two treasure levels adjacent, while i love the treasure, it would be nice for them to spread out, so less of the bonii would be wasted.
I dont know if this is strictly a multiplayer issue, ie there are plenty for 1 player, but add a 2nd to the mix, and you are screwed, but it is the only constant gripe between my wife and I about the game.

I'd like to see Pods given to everyone on pickup. This would essentially duplicated the amount of health in a given dungeon but would allow us to scale back their spawn rate making them much more valuable to the party as a whole.
Plus it'd be just another reason it's better not to go alone.
They dont as far as I have seen. IIRC the only shared resources in the dungeons are crowns, heat and minerals.
I'd like to see Pods given to everyone on pickup. This would essentially duplicated the amount of health in a given dungeon but would allow us to scale back their spawn rate making them much more valuable to the party as a whole.
Plus it'd be just another reason it's better not to go alone.
While I am totally down with that idea (I play with my wife and the less we have to compete over, the better I do outside of the game). My original thought was about the simple health pickups. Vitapods seem a bit streaky as well, but we cope (sometimes we are at +5 2 floors down, sometimes we end a run at +3)
Great game regardless, we are having a blast.
"[ ... ] and its like playing one of those insane J-schmups."
As a Touhou player, I have to say that is the best analogy I've heard for the Gunpuppy Mk.IIs I've heard yet.
Either way, no matter how the health and vitapod arrangement is shaken up, I'd recommend getting more practice in with guarding. Even with as gunheavy of a build as I've been working on, I've been trying to get a good idea of when to put up my shield - though the timing is tricky with how much lag I've got...

You can kill the turrets before they start shooting you, I do it all the time.
You're going to want a Punch Gun/Magnus to do it, but it is handy to be able to deal 110 damage to something from where it won't bother to shoot you back.
The magnus is a superb gunpuppy-killer, this is true.
Yeah, as I said in another thread, either make the vita pods for everyone, or have them get "pooled" for the party and automatically distributed.
Also, if someone join or leaves, the pool rebalances for equality.
And have them drop at specific locations or something, so it's not luck based if you get to the core with 10 health or 20.
I thought hearts were supposed to heal everyone when they get picked up?