hi everyone ! Have some newbie question about gears. Currently I have a scolver cap with uv fire max. I was stuck between 2 choices. Right now I have a wolver with ele max. Should I go for scolver set or or vog coat? Pls advise. If not , I will just look for wolver coat with fire max and eolve to skolver coat. Thanks
Question about gears

You gotta mix and match for the best combination.
Mixing is a terrible idea. You are better off making different sets of armor to specialize for various stratums. Why be unprepared, mediocre at best, overall when you can be excellent in every area?
more fire resist, and more elemental, its not like they don't stack.
and jeez, you're a newb but you have gear like that..?

right now I don't know if the max uv of my current ash tail set will stack with vog. That's something like ah. I don't know. Been playing for a while, so yea, this question is kinda newbie in my humble opinion .

right now I don't know if the max uv of my current ash tail set will stack with vog. That's something like ah. I don't know. Been playing for a while, so yea, this question is kinda newbie in my humble opinion .
And if everybody had 20,000 CE to throw around, that would be true. Since most people are on a budget, their best bet is to make a set that deals with all situations adequately.

actually both of you guys are right. For ce part, it can be solved with repeated d16 jk runs with the current ce prices. Of cause that is provided you don't use any revival . As for the best in everything , the most 2 dangerous status DMg is fire and shock. So yea would be great if we have best of them unless we are so perfectly skilled that we can fight flawlessly. So which basic set is best? Some piercing armor for jk runs excludsivly. Vog set for fsc. As for recipe t3 runs , I would normally choose the easy gate and try to avoid fiends gate. Some mix and match works quite well too. I seen a vog cap with uv fire max with a skolver coat to give it a well rounded of attack speed and DMg . My humble 2 cents
Well in conjuction to what Dirt said, you want to look for levels that will match your resistances. People with Armor of the Fallen will want to avoid Fiends. Isn't that a part of the reason why so many people wear Fire and element resist items, for Vanaduke? They specialize for what they plan on doing, fighting Vanaduke.
Either way the question now seems to be whether or not Max UV combined with the Vog sets Fire resistance will be so much overkill that he'd may as well get a bit of Freeze and Pierce defense as well as a sword damage upgrade. There was a topic about this but I can't remember the name, I'm sure someone here will know what I'm talking about. Basically it compared a bunch of Fire situations with different armors, UVs, and trinkets.

People with Armor of the Fallen will want to avoid Fiends.
I want to hit you.
I would go with Skolver since Vog already has it's Elemental defense.