just a short question: The set boni listed here, are they just summaries of the single part boni or does it give you an extra advantage if you wear a complete set?
just a short question: The set boni listed here, are they just summaries of the single part boni or does it give you an extra advantage if you wear a complete set?
Good to know. The list is incomplete then, because many boni are not listed. Thanks for the answer!
The list is not incomplete.
Sets are just stuff with the same name, follow a similar upgrade path, and look similar (same color, etc).
There are no bonuses for wearing 2 pieces of the same set. None. No bonus of any kind. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Well, it is.
It doesn't list any extra boni, because there are none. For some sets however, it summarizes the boni (or stats, if you like) you get from every single item of that set. It doesn't do that for every set and every bonus, though.
I see what you are saying. The "set bonus" does not really show a set bonus. Instead it shows the cumulative bonus obtained by equipping each piece of the set. Yes, that information is incomplete and can be easily misunderstood. I'll see what I can do to fix that.
They're just a summation of the bonuses that those pieces of equipment give. There isn't a bonus for having a matching set.