I've heard some interest in this template from other editors and can look into it. Does anyone know why Shango didn't entirely consider it done yet? Seems to work fine on his page http://wiki.spiralknights.com/User:Shango#AttackPower (Template coding is here: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Template:AttackPower and http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Template:StatBar)
Shango's Attack Bar Template
Maybe we should get consensus on how to accurately do it and then make a page with a very specific tutorial on how to get the numbers in that standardized way?
Zoom in on your image editor of choice and count the pixels? I've got almost every sword stat image stored on my PC, so I'll see if there's a quantitative way about this.
I know that there's even different ways of cropping the current images. Most were done by me and I use a round edge cut, but others erase pixels to a round shape and others just cut square.
It may be better to dedicate the task to one or two people who are consistent with each other than leave wiggle room for those niggling inconsistencies.
Well, or something more like a full bar = X and then for fraction of bars you should do x, y, z (maybe copy and paste into a new image and see how many pixels wide it is or crop carefully and see how many pixels wide it is). Also, this seems like really tedious work that should wait until there isn't a lot of rebalancing going on in the updates.
Hmm... so I did a bit of experimenting with this.
- The distance of the stat bar to image border is different in the cropped image as compared to the template. So when the template is matched to the pixel width of an image the template stat bar is a little shorter. That should'n mater so long as only the template is consistently used.
- There is currently no bar for speed, though that could be fixed easily.
- Using a pixel counting method to convert values accurately will result in decimal numbers. Rounding to whole numbers should be acceptable. The math is easy with known pixel values, expedite it with some quick Excel work. Finding the pixel values is slow, I used the dimensions reported from the selection box in GIMP. This method is only decent if you happen to have the cropped images on your computer.
- Even though it says attack, that template could be extended for defensive items too.
You can see my first fiddling on my userpage.
Edit: I based my measurements on the assumption that the attack type icon overlaps with the stat bar in both cases.
Whoa, I didn't realize it had been so thoroughly finished. The biggest reason was the difficulty of accurately the granularity of a segment beyond a quarter when you've got multiple users working on things.