I mean I tried to sell my mostly worthless stuff there but had no success. however, for buying, it seems ok but sometimes i get absurd prices(like i just get a offer, 500 crown per blue shard, of course i didnt bought.) anyone had success with selling stuff there ? is it worth typing the text over and over again or copy pasting for hours ?
Is trade channel really working ?
Since I started playing the game, I've always had a better experience buying and selling mats over the Trade Channel.
I've never come a cross a dude trying to sell a low star Mat for over 400 each, nor did I try selling at outrageous prices myself.
Losing out on cash when your items fail to sell, due to the listing fee, doesn't happen when you sell on the Trade Channel, and your purchases are fairly more instantaneous since you're not waiting for around to pick your item over others.
Although I agree with shrinkshootr that the items he stated are great to sell over the Trade Channel, I have to strongly disagree with him that those are the only items worth selling over Trade.
The true problem is hat its use has significantly dropped since the introduction of the Auction House and nullification of it being /joined at the start of the game, thus causing it to become a minority platform for trading.
If I had to take a guess, I'd say most people on trade channel are sellers, since everyone else just turns it off because some people feel by making their offer take up 5 lines they will have more success selling.
If you follow Op. Punk's advice in regards to selling anything less than a worthy item over /trade, you're going to be CTRL+V spamming it for a long while before finding a buyer. Both statistically speaking and from personal experience. The headache you get from slamming the trade channel with your "OMG BUY MAI RED SHARDS FOR 2 CR EA" crap for an hour or more straight is not worth the slight profit you make over the 10% reduction in AH.
Also, don't sell your ghost bells and whatnot for whatever proposed buyers' prices are. Lotd of them say "buying bells at 1K-2K each!" when they're usually 3k minimum. Spam the trade channel with "WTS GHOST BELL" but don't take much less than what's on AH (precisely, take 5-8% less).
And pupu has it right: lots of tards decide to just spam the channel with fancy Alt+number symbols filled to the max with what they're trying to sell, and they do it every time they possibly can (read: they know the amount of time they need to wait before the censor for the channel does not block them). I always ignore them. Keep your sales short and sweet.

No trade channel doesn't work. The auction house barely does either. A ton of people sell their stuff by standing outside the auction house shouting all day.
trade channel is generally for the rich people. things are sold there because people don't want to pay the 10% auction fee, and said things are usually expensive recipes (10K+) and items (UV gear, generally 25K+). Things are bought there at stupidly undercut prices, usually the WTB people asking for materials are never worth your time.
Do not waste your time or anyone else's by trying to sell worthless stuff there. Use the auction house for that. Only time you should post WTS for materials is when you have good stuff, like fine fabrics, bushy tails and ghost bells. If you're trying to peddle brimstone, red shards, or really any materials regardless of rating that costs less than say, 400 ea on the auction house, don't even bother, just use AH.
And the answer to your question is painfully obvious. Were you able to post in the trade channel? Then duh, it's working. It's only player-affected, so if you can post messages in the channel, and you see other people's messages, of course it's working. The question you were trying to ask is "omg wai i no sell stuff in trade channle?" And the above is why. Trust me, I use it extensively as well, and it almost never amounts to much other than an occasionally no-big-deal trade, because almost all things being traded are heavy-hitting items.
And once again, like I said, ignore anyone trying to purchase materials. At least check their prices first on the AH.