Gambit is now recruiting friendly and active Spiral Knights!
★★★ Requirements ★★★
We don’t have any fancy requirements, but what we look for are mainly T2-Players, even better when T3-Ready. Why? You'll get bored when you're below T2, since we all went over to T2 only and you'll pretty much get bored =/
★★★ About Gambit ★★★
it would be nice if the applicants are active and foremost, friendly. Gambit is a casual guild, but we’re preparing the equipment right now, to go on regular T3 runs (Currently farming Royal Jelly and Ironclaw Munition Factory). Gambit is a pure english-speaking guild, so basic english is pretty much required. We're currently 70+ Players strong and very active. At peak times we have around 15+ members online.
★★★ Our mission ★★★
Fun in the first place, theorycrafting and all that stuff, after that. Gambit’s goal is to unite the players, that love to communicate and interact with each other, otherwise this game wouldn’t be fun at all right? :) Let’s face it, .. how many players are there, just roaming around the clockworks in a totally strange group, basically on their own, no one’s talking and everyone is just focused on gaining their heat. We would like to change that!
★★★ Ranks ★★★
What ranks? We don't do ranks. The current members that are marked as officers are the core-members! No promotions are being made currently and that won't change easily, if you can't live with that decision, we don't need you.
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So, what are you waiting for? ;) Send me an ingame mail/whisper to Tennesse to join Gambit OR leave a message on
Gambit is growing pretty fast :) give us a try! ;)