So i look at the way people price stuff on the Auction House, and man...people are just plain stupid. How do so many people not understand how it works? It's mind-boggling that people can be so poor at selling there wares. You would think common sense would cast a wider net over pricing, but nope.
Auction house pricing

What a wonderfully vague opening post

People do Over-Price most things in the AH its mind boggling, i just do runs and hope Basil has the recipe i need.
blame it on the 10% fee, the seller must make some profit no?
Anyway if the price is high for your don't buy it if u buy it then it wasn't high cuz u thought it was worth it, u re just trying to lose less when u buy well so do the sellers when they sell
I think the topic creator meant when the prices are insanely high. I can't understand seeing 3* recipes for 10k. I always like to sell Ash Tail Coat recipes. I'll start the bid at 10,000 usually (though I'm taking a loss if only one person bids) and make the buy it now price 14500-16000 to make sure I still get some kind of profit. The first one I sold for 12k and forgot about the fee and was annoyed at my profit overall.
I assumed he meant the hundreds of people who post a bid price equal to their buy now price.
@xienwolf - a buy now price equal to a bid price simply means they want that value. If they could put only a buy now price, they would.
Personally - I put down all of my bids at 1 gold start with a buy now of what I want from the item, I typically sell my items pretty quick, but I don't post up many items...
There was 1 time I put up some items with a 1 gold start, and the market flooded making me scared the guy who bid 10 on everything would win <_< He didn't, as the items came closer to close I got a fair price for them (equal to what ppl undercut me for) and that was that.
If someone did win an auction because I put a starting bid of 1 gold on a 5* recipe I'd have to send them a congrats note XD

Once, I saw someone selling one Green Shard for 100K crowns in AH :D
But I love the AH - with some luck, you can get materials and stuff pretty cheap :)
Offer, demand, profits, yadda yadda.