Why do players I ignore have three Uv symbols and 5 stars next to his or her name? What does it mean? Why is it there? etc. Please let me know =)
Question About Ignoring Players
It's probably a bug. i saw that an unignored my ignroe list emmediatley cuz it looked weird.
Looks like only game developers know the meaning of those symbols haha!
Totally just a placeholder for an upcoming angry face update.
Cant quite get >:\ to look right vertically.
It's a small psychological mechanic for the "special" players. First, the symbols distract their eyes away from the "Ignored"-tag, initiating the "oh-my-god-who-are-these-guys-they-are-five-stars-also-they-have-three-UVs"-reaction, which simultaneously causes the second effect to happen: it makes them look more awesome.
The subject begins to adapt and recognizes it as a "player rating system", inducing an anxiety attack because it "couldn't find any stars or UVs" on itself (Note: Neither on its SK-character nor on its own body). The subject - now suffering from a cognitive bias - rates itself as "(far) less awesome then someone else" (and no one wants to know that, am I right?).
Upon recovering from the shock, its sensual perception reinstates slowly and enables the subject to perceive other details again, such as the "Ignored"-tag. This will - depending on the recovery rate - cause a smaller/greater burst of confusion and something itself would define as "enlightment":
Why do I ignore the awesome people?
Why did I put them in there?
Wait, Was it really me?
Why should I ignore the awesome people when I can be friends with them?!
Being friends with them would make me less less-awesome, right?
It must have been someone else!
Maybe it was my little brother!
This ends here! Time to change my password, time to make new awesome friends!
(Note: This was a rough transcript of what it might think. No one knows how their brains work and it takes ages to translate something they wrote due to their "Over-90-percent-of-my-words-contain-3-or-less-characters"-vocabulary.)
Anyway...long story short: 'Less ignored people' results in 'less stored data' on the server harddisks. Yes, i know, storage capacity is pretty cheap. Still, this clever trick saves OOO a huge amount of shinies which they can use for other stuff! (yay!)
For example, paying the bills for the extra traffic caused by millions and millions unasked and unwanted guild- or friendrequests...
...makes perfectly sense, huh?
@ ethyce -
Hahaha! That's a good theory :D
Omg Ethyce that was an amazing theory =) U deserve a gold coin which has to be polished every day due to it being so shiny =0
I'd like to know this, too ^^^