Why is it every run I see a love puppy, there is one selfish party member who rambos the life out of it before killing anything else, in the vain attempt for a heart pendant. Yeah man, theyre valuable, theyre useful, but damn, you cant sell it cos it auto-binds, even IF you get it that is. Isnt it more logical to kill it last after everything else, after healing your entire party - THEN loot it, as opposed to, oh i dont know, the largish chance of having your party being wiped out, and then having them begrudgingly revive you at the cost of their own energy because youre a greedy robotic ass?
the people who already know about love puppies have no excuse, and those that dont, i always tend to shout "dont kill the pink one!".
to add insult to injury, the unnamed person in this case, complained about me not staying for the boss, undoubtedly because he would have needed someone to kill the boss whille he gunned from around the outside.
one of these days i hope to see a http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Gun_Puppy#Gold_Puppy so i can sit and watch whilst the greedy lot try in vain to kill it for its loot. and then not revive them.
all things being said, those people are always going to be unreliable, running off to grab an owlite feather, over killing those walls of robots threatening 3/4 of their party, finding some other way to endanger everyone for their own *random chance* at personal gain, but just once, id kind of like to actually USE a healing puppy to make any run just that much smoother, as im sure a few others would too. on that note.. anyone else had any situations where greed has overpowered teammates' logic?
I saw a love puppy once, I didnt kill it, because it healed me and I didnt know it dropped very rare health trinkets... I facepalm'ed when I realised what it dropped and the fact I will probably never see one again. :'(