Current Project: Copper Serpent Gate
My wishlist: Gremlin, Shock, Fire, Construct or Slime Stratums on Tier 2.
Hello everyone. In this thread, we will actively discuss the various gates and their stratums, telling each other what we're investing our minerals in, what we want and what we can agree on when it comes to making an entire new dungeon. For example, if Knight A wants a slime stratum, and if Knight B wants a fiend stratum, they can work together to get each other the stratums they want.
I'll start off by saying I'm usually investing my minerals in getting more gremlim, slime and construct stratums, because I can't wait for ironclaw munitions, and I do good damage to those enemies. I'll be satisfied with more shock and fire stratums, though. I'll be willing to put my minerals in any gate, so let me know what gates you're working on and I'll help you get what you want. We're gonna focus on one gate at a time though. Just to get things done faster. Try and get more people ITT so we can have more minerals and an organized group.
My guild often all agree on a stratum they want and we try and craft the gate to that end. We tend to like slime stratums as they are relatively easy to clear and have a tendancy to give a lot of gold.
I dont find that the crafting process is all that reliable though. grr.
Anyways - More slimes and Lichens please!