Don't do it, unless you have worlds best internet, it freezes 20 times a day taking SK with it, login errors, etc etc.
A warning to anyone considering binding to steam
I second this; you can't log in with any other client, authentication errors stop you from playing, the only benefit is auto-adding friends which is neither necessary or always wanted
if you want the tf2 hat just make a new free account and bind that one
I have had no problem logging in or with overall performance. It runs just aa well on Steam as it does on the OOO client. No authentication errors either. I believe those would be considered you problems.
The rest is legitimate concerns though. You can only log in via Steam once bound and you can only buy CE via your Steam wallet. The only real benefit is access to your Steam friends list in game and Steam voice chat. I personally am ALWAYS logged into Steam and it's my personal gaming hub on my PC, so I've integrated into it flawlessly. I've found it the easiest way to keep tab with my friends who are currently playing or who would like to know when we're going on big runs, etc. Just personal preference really.
I haven't had many problems with it yet either, but, seeing as Spiral Knights is the only game I have on there, I kind of miss being able to just open it straight from my desktop without Steam.
Plus, it makes buying energy much more complicated.
If there was a way to unbind, I think I would.
I love my steam SK. It auto logins right from the desktop and I can voice chat with others, which is so much easier than stopping and typing which risks death. I can also easily see which of my steam friends also happen to play it. I don't see any problem.
I do have the world's best internet...well pretty says im better than 96% of the world...
50 mb/s with roadrunner wideband...
no issues
After testing both the steam version and the regular download version i find that the random freezes the game experiences after playing for a while (due to the java garbage collector) is much worse on the steam version.
Im not sure if its just me or if there is an explanation for it but locking yourself into playing only through steam is just a bad idea
I can run the steam version and the normal version at the same time, and have no issues with either one (except that they share the same game settings, so if I kill the music on one side, it kills it on both...and if music is audible, then it gives a wierd doubling effect).
If steam is giving you trouble, then it's because of you, your internet, or your computer. I don't understand all the irrational anger aimed towards steam.
When it freezes 20+ times a day, and nothing else across the whole internet, or normal spiral knights without steam ever freeze, how is it anything but steams fault?
It's not that. Really, it's not.
I'm not demonizing Steam.
But, like others, I have noticed that things are worse since I have transferred.
The lag spikes are much worse for me.
I'm not confirming that it is Steam's fault, I'll readily accept it could be something else.
But before I transferred, I had no problems.
After, things seemed to pop up here and there.
At the very least, there's a possibility that it could be a problem and that in itself is reason for looking into it.
I figured something out!
Go to your Steam settings and make sure your connection information is accurate.
My Steam account thought my internet connection was a lot slower than it actually is.
Once I fixed that, playing was much smoother.
It probably is the rock bottom though.
I'd already seen that anyway. :c
On this?
or anyone else <3
Here is mine! :P told ya
steam is faill it dont support linux if u bind your account with steam u will not be able play this game again from linux
I've never run into any problems with the steam client for the game. I had even at one point to make sure I wasn't going to have any problems, had 3 windows of the game open and running smooth and perfect, I do get lag but that's just my internet (I actually know this for certain)
The only qualm I have with the steam client is if I want to pay for CE with money I have to do it through my steam wallet now, but that's not really an issue at all, it'd just be convenient to have all the other payment types as well.
But, all in all I am pleased with the steam version, I'm glad I did the conversion to be honest. Now I can listen to people who actually have headsets talk, I would talk if I had one but that's a whole nother story.
If steam is giving you trouble, then it's because of you, your internet, or your computer.
Steam uses its own install of java to run this game instead of the computers installed version, so there is a difference, while the exact cause of problems may be hard to pin down the fact is if you are using the steam version you are using different files in different locations and probably different versions.
When the game came out on steam i downloaded the steam client to use for the convenience of having it listed in my steam library, but when i started experiencing those momentary freezes i did some reason on the forum and found out it was the java garbage collector, and further that the configuration file that could be used to tweak it was not able to be changed. Knowing the problem i was having was with java, i decided that i would try the regular install which uses a different java installation, it fixed my problem.
Linking your account to steam makes it so you can only use the steam client to play the game. This takes away one of the tools you have to try and fix your own problems with the game. I don't really see why this is a good idea unless they change it so that you can log into the regular client with a steam account.
I've encountered no errors whatsoever since I bound my account when the option was available.
The only thing that sucks is I can't figure out how to add custom music to the game anymore.