I swear the person who starts the party gets way better mats. Has anyone else noticed this?
The Party-Starter Gets Better Materials
And I always thought you have a better chance of being allotted high-star materials if you deal more damage (i.e. be more involved)...
Not really, I have tested this with a friend. He would just idle, staying away from the action while I did all the killing and in the end even though he didn't strike a single blow he actually got more and better materials than me. Also I was the party creator.
So in the end material distribution is just random.
The problem here is that the human brain is wired to find patterns. This is useful when there are patterns to be found, but less so when looking at randomness. We aren't naturally inclined to say, "Aha, that looks random!"
Instead we say "There must be some kind of method to this madness!"
Yes, I figured this long ago
I just hate it when I'm doing the levels leading up to Vanaduke and I'm getting ecto drops while the others are getting flame souls. There's shouldn't even be mats less than 3 stars in tier 3!
Not true at all. Yesterday I was in FSC and I was the 3rd person and I got a Flame Soul, Primal Ore, and a Reaper Rib. That's 3 5* mats and everyone else got nothing really.
Absolutely not true. Distribution is random.
Eh, During one run that I made, Nearo got all the good stuff, I got the other stuff. However, this other run, I got all the good stuff and he got the remainders.
Items are pretty much random I think.
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