I have a Bristling Buckler, a Wolver Cap, a Wolver Coat and a Hot Edge with UV "Damage Bonus vs Gremlins: High".
Yet when I inspect myself (using that horsehead button to the top right), I see on my Hot Edge that it has "Damage Bonus vs Gremlins: Maximum!"; is this because the Low Damage bonuses from my cap, buckler and coat stack with that? (This would mean if I de-equip my buckler it would become Ultra vs Gremlins, and if I de-equip my coat as well it'd become Very High vs Gremlins. This would also mean that if I had a Skolver Cap instead, the bonus vs Gremlins would not increase.)
If this is the case, I guess I will be a sad panda, because I was planning on getting Barbarous Thorn Shield, the Skolver set and a bunch of swords fit for multiple occassions (meaning with damage bonuses vs certain types of monsters).
"The icons on the bottom of the character tab show information if you mouseover the icons. The first icon shows the combined stats and bonuses of all your gear. The mouseovers for other slots show the stats and bonuses for each weapon, including any bonuses from gear that affect that particular weapon."