I have a Skelly Shield, but just got the recipe and made a Defender Shield because I thought it was better, but after looking at the stats it doesn't actually seem any different...
I'm really new and quite broke, so I don't want to equip this new Defender if I should actually sell it...
Quick! What do I do? :)
The skelly shield is a decent secondary for Fiend levels, but I would get an Owlite series, especially if you plan to use it as you upgrade. Piercing defense on a shield isn't all that useful, as you'll be able to dodge most of the piercing damage attacks. The only possible exception might be if you plan to tackle a lot of giant lichen colonies. Elemental and normal damage is what you need, with fire resist preferably. The reason being that the bullet hell Puppy Turrets will put you through in later levels is best handled by shields with good elemental defense; the fire is for all manners of flamethrowing enemies. You can literally stand in a sea of Gremlin Scorcher fire while hiding behind your Owlite shield.