
6 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

Didn't realize we aren't allowed to talk about it.

Splinter's picture
There is usually a good

There is usually a good explanation for it, from just reading your name, I'm not sure. I've heard of other people getting their name changed they submitted a ticket, eventually the heard back and were able to change their name to something of their choosing.

Legacy Username
From time to

Tim, maybe they thought you wanted a real name.
Anyway, I believe they've asked that you don't ask stuff like this in the forums.
The wait for an answer might be annoying, but it won't go any faster with the forums.

Legacy Username
GM response: "I don't think

GM response: "I don't think so, Tim."

Koffin-Kat's picture
None of my business, but I

None of my business, but I find it realy... how to say it... "impolite" at least that they change player's name without even saying anything. I believe they should contact that said player before changing his/her name.

Also, the restriction to discuss these things on the forums is pretty weird, it seems like they don't want anyone to know... But why? Unless they would want to abuse their authority or something, which I believe they wouldn't.

In most of other games, even that ones with very strict policy, discussing bans or ToS violations on forum is allowed.

Hmm... weird...

Legacy Username
It's a conspiracy!

It's a conspiracy!

Legacy Username

Usually if they change someone's name it's because it breaks the ToS, even more usually, by including profanity in it. No matter whether I read it backward or forward though, I just can't see a substring of 'timestandstill' that is an offensive word. Also haven't heard anything about them reducing the maximum name length to less than that, can't imagine they would change that and if they did I hope they'd give a heads up.