Several weeks ago the price of CE was around 4.2k, this morning the price jumped to 5.9k. This is becoming way too expensive to play.
CE price is getting ridiculous
Great, another wave of these threads...
Not like CE was creeping up to 7k two weeks ago or anything.
im starting to be convinced that the price is actually based on nothing other than peoples own impatience causing them to constantly raise/lower the price 1cr more.
I see many unskilled players waste loads and loads of CE every time I join a random dungeon run.
I think it's a mixture of both. Mainly the scrubs, because I've seen some guy waste over 1k CE reviving everyone before, even though we just kept dying in that run. And it was on one dungeon.
Ce topics are getting ridiculous you dont see us complaining =)
Uhh...maybe they keep coming up because it IS an actual problem to people? Crazy idea.
That flow chart, more or less, represents my life.
While it is true that energy prices go up and it is pretty understandable that people don't like it, it'd be much better if some people learned to use that SEARCH function and keep Energy issues in one topic >_<
Finally, all the ce that I bought while it was cheap is gaining value! Am I the only one happy about this?
"While it is true that energy prices go up and it is pretty understandable that people don't like it, it'd be much better if some people learned to use that SEARCH function and keep Energy issues in one topic >_<"
Maybe the mods could, I dunno, STICKY an energy topic?
lol i think it was higher before the steam players came in and bought a lot of energy. saw it coming.