Here's what I've seen so far...
The "Platform":
- Switches are located at the top and at the bottom beside the doors
- There are 6 walls. Only 2 top/bottom on one side and 1 middle wall on the other may be active at a time.
- 4 respawn point for surgebots
Stage 1
Battle starts with the whole top and bottom part of the platform covered in breakable blocks (except for the respawn point for the bots)
The twins stand on each side of the platform and starts firing missiles
They will stop firing missiles and fires 2-3 waves of shock bolt in an arc
Use the switches to navigate the missiles to hit the opposite twin
Once the twin get damaged enough, it will tilt it's head forward, reachable to be hit with swords (a large arrow will indicate this moment)
Stage 2
One of the twin starts moving side to side and is shielded, meaning you can only hit the other twin
A few large missiles will drop from the top. A bomb-like radius will show where they will hit
Stage 3
Both twins now starts moving side to side, one of the twin will sometime stop shooting missiles and fires a stream of lasers
Hide behind the walls to avoid the lasers
Just like in stage 2, but even more missiles will drop from the top
Stage 4? - Never reached it. Server restart~ :p
Anyone gotten farther than this?
If I remember correctly it's 3 stages, and once you hit one down the other goes with it, (Killing the twin I mean) and once you deal damage up to the twin's 'threshold,' forcing it to shield, you have to do the same to the other.