Copying the format over from the swords to both bombs and guns via the format of the swords lists. Will get to the armor, helms, and shields tomorrow.
Recipe Pages

Sadly, Basil's inventory is random each time you go into a terminal. I've updated his wiki page to reflect that, but I suspect that all the vendor pages are outdated and need heavy editing.

I'm fairly sure that D4 is 0-2* items, D13 1-4* items, and so on, so that may be useful for other people to know... Any corroboration?

Hard to say, at least previously during the Preview, I sometimes got a higher level item in the list. Not sure if that has changed. Perhaps we can all just keep an eye out for the next week or two, and then discuss our observations.
but I suspect that all the vendor pages are outdated and need heavy editing.
For most vendors we can probably just display the list of fixed items, mentioning the additional random list. See Greaves for how I think the pages should look like.
I'll track the vendors a bit to see what the random items can be, but I guess it'll just be almost all fitting the start level minus some special ones, like a Selaed Sword. For Basil I just take screenshots for now everytime I meet him, let's see if something regular turns up.
On individual crafted items, including where a recipe can be found (vendor and area) would be extremely useful. This way, we would not need to do additional wiki searches to locate where they can get the recipe.