Hey there Spiralknights,
Spanners here from Bullets And Blades; the exclusive guild that recruits anyone.
I would like to inform you all that Bullets And Blades is looking to become more organised!
To this end I intend to create a forum for this exemplary guild, in order to better organise and communicate with the members. (and exert absolute control MWAHAHA)
If anyone has any suggestions for any good, functional and comprehensive free forum sites where we can create a Venu for our guild, I am Prepared to offer you a FREE membership with no additional fees! ZOMGWAFFLECAKES that's amazing! I bet none of the other guilds offer free memberships!
If you have any suggestions for sites please post them here, if you are amazed by my excessive enthusiasm about how simply awesome I am..and by that i mean the guild. Please feel free to send a Mail to my personal assistant monkey.
(Personal assistant monkey is currently on paid leave but you can forward your mail to Spanners instead.)
If you're interested our ranking system is as follows;
0-1 star gear = Recruit
2-3 star gear = Member
4-5 star gear = Veteran
If you have 5 Star gear (or are otherwise qualified) you are entitled to apply to the GMs for an Officer rank promotion.
Bullets And Blades,
(soon to be)The most organised guild in the 'Verse.