So everyone is talking about the bomb nerf/balance or the encounter. I would love to hear from a gunner about the buff they received. Do you even think it's a buff etc. I'm not a gunner but I'd love to hear if you think it's more viable now.
What about guns

I'm glad they made the nova driver actually worth getting
Making them charge quicker is kinda irrelivant, guns were rarely charged anyway.
Most of the time I never reloaded when shooting a gun since you get more shots out if you pause between shots rather than take the long reload anyway... so both of these changes are kinda meh...
A good gun buff would be making the ardent peacemaker and setenza do pure damage, element and shadow, releasing a new gun with similar mechanics that dealt pierce.

"either the damage output isn't good enough, the time needed to attach the charged orbs to enemies is too long allowing them to bash ur face in, or your allies mow down the enemies way too fast preventing you from using the charge"
I have to agree. I'm lucky to get one charged shot off and detonating it before the rest of the party demolishes the mob. It's fun to use in conjunction with shivermist while soloing, but in a serious run it's not worth using IMO.

the pepperbox line benefits dramatically from the charge time reduction.
there are very few enemies at tier 3 that can withstand a charged volcanic pepperbox shot.
its good to have a one shot kill in your back pocket.
I'm curious to know how the new guns stack up against their closest competitors, namely:
Biohazard line v. Shadowtech Alchemer Line
Polaris Line v. Voltech Alchemer Line
I have not had the chance to use any of the guns yet, but it seems that the variant lines are more useful than their normal counterparts because they can inflict status (curse and shock respectively.) Biohazard provides the first ranged alternative for shadow weaponry and is the second shadow weapon to inflict status. Polaris seems similar to the Voltechs, and I'd be curious to know how much its alternative mechanics help or hinder it in competition with the more venerable weapon.

The magnus line went from "very painful to use, but nice to have in a few key situations" to "almost useable".

GUNS GUNS AND GUNS! well i hate guns! im a Bomb Freak! I love Bombs! they are more power full than guns! BOMBS BOMBS!! YA!!
The Alchemer line was made much more viable, already being amazing in the first place -- it is now less of a risk to play with max attack speed Alchemers and also more worthwhile to seek CTR UVs. Both charged shots and shooting to reload are useful with the alchemer line if you have the right uvs.
Oh crazzywave, you so crazy.
I'm a pretty happy gunner! Slimes/gremlins are dying noticeably faster to the umbra driver, and I actually feel more comfortable using charged shots in battle. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the new guns as well. It's very much a step in the right direction.

I like it. I don't have an opinion on the new guns because I don't have them yet. But the CTR buff changed the charge shot from what you do while waiting on the elevator to usable.
I suspect the reload buff made the punch and pummel guns usable in addition to slightly buffing the magnus line.
It's kinda hard to judge the polaris line until they fix the normal damage bug but one thing i was surprised about it was that the long distance shots just have so much splash and knockback. I'd shoot around devilites who would dodge the slow shot then still get tagged by the huge explosion and in an arena lumbers were basically incapable of getting close enough to attack me even without moving.
The biohazard line of catalyzer is noticeably weaker then the shadowtech but I'd like to see one with a ctr max because activating the boom once it's in place is really easy and amazingly effective, it just takes too long to do it.
Both of these have monster splash damage, I'd like to see something like a loadout with graviton vortex and a ctr max nuetralizer where you squish a whole arena into a ball then blow it up. people who like the valiance would probably like the supernova it's basically the same gun but weaker close and much much stronger at distance. Right now though they're basically alt paths to voltech and shadowtech alchemers.
well the autogun "buff" is a start but doesnt address the issue of standing in place while shoot or to pivot while shooting
other than that
im trying the catalyzer line and i got to say its rather impractical to use on serious runs
either the damage output isn't good enough, the time needed to attach the charged orbs to enemies is too long allowing them to bash ur face in, or your allies mow down the enemies way too fast preventing you from using the charge
havent tried the pulsar