I am in the proccess of creating a Vog cub coat, but heat is very slow. I was wondering, are heat amplifiers worth getting?
How do I level up faster? Heat is slow.
Thanks, never thought of it like that, I will try it.
If you have multiple pieces to level then you aren't gaining anything by doing one at a time. You might have stronger weapons or armor sooner, but the time spent leveling is going to still be the same.
Sometimes you have a peice of gear you care about levelling more then your other gear. Maybe you want to be able to upgrade your sword first, so you'll feel more comfortable heating up your newly-purchased UV armor.
If you want to prioritize one piece of armor that's the way to go. Otherwise, if you are just trying to get a whole set to 10 then there is no real benefit to leveling one at a time over all at once.
I think there is, though. Having four peices of gear level up once is arguably not as useful as having once peice of gear level up 4 times make it to heat level 5, so you can upgrade it to 4*.
I know the math doesn't actually work that simplistically, as you see diminishing returns as gear takes longer and longer to level the higher it goes, but there's an strong case for choosing to level a Atomiser up to a Shivermist faster by leaving your un-leveled blast bomb behind, and taking your heat 10 owlite shield instead of your heat 8 UV owlite shield, etc, because levelling your Shivermist first will make it easier to level your other gear later.
That's beside the point. I am saying that, under perfect circumstances, the time/energy to level * pieces of gear to level 10 will be the same, solo or together. I never said anything about what would make it easier.

Build a fire and huddle around it is my best advice.

So how would you only make the heat go into one piece of equipment?

You make it only go into one piece of equipment by only wearing one piece of equipment that needs heat. Make sure every other thing you are wearing on that run is level 10 already.

You guys do realize you necro'd a year-old thread, right?

The [poopy] search function on this site brings old old thread up when you search for stuff. half of these necros are due to the search function.
Level 1 piece of gear at a time. When you have multiple items on that need leveling, the total heat gained on a depth is divided among all of those items, making them level slower.
heat amplifiers aren't worth it to me. 800ce for only 20% more heat over two days? No thanks.