Buyout : 7k ce
Auction will end wednesday at 22:00 GMT+0
1 HOUR LEFT!! [WTS] Owlite shield UV -> PIERCING MAX TAKE IT FOR THE S/B-> 5k ce!
I'm not quite sure. If I get an appealing offer I will sell. I was thinking something between 11~13 k ce
I mailed you. Lets talk
The shield is still for sale.
Div3 removed his offer so it's still on auction. B/O price is now at 10k
Cmon guys, the 3 major types of defense (IMO) in one shield! Get it while it's hot!

Worst max you could have on that shield...
Why do you say that? :|
Price lowered. The current offer is at 7k ce
Less than 48 hours remaining. Since lepreal removed her bid there is no C/O.
Less than 36 hours remaining. Still waiting for the new owner of this shield
22h left and still no offer. I'll put a starting bid at 5k and the B/O at 7k ce. Crowns also accepted at 5950 per 100 ce. Don't miss out on this offer!
11 hours left. 5k and it could be yours!
I'll offer 2k CE
IGN: Goldknightxtwo
Starting offer is 5k ce dude
Do you have a buyout price?