Mineral Compitation - ''Map''

30 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

Example, when there is ->mostly<- Crimsonite and Valestone in Stratum, the stratum will be Beastful. So I try to collect all of the combinations here.

-Crimsonite + Valestone = Beast - Stratum
-Crimsonite + Luminite = Fire - Stratum
-Crimsonite + Moonstone = Gremlin - Stratum
-Crimsonite + Darkmatter = ? - Stratum
-Darkmatter + Valestone = ? - Stratum
-Darkmatter + Luminite = ? - Stratum
-Darkmatter + Moonstone = Poison - Stratum
-Moonstone + Luminite = Construct - Stratum
-Moonstone + Valestone = Freeze - Stratum
-Luminite + Valestone = Jelly - Stratum

-Pure Crimsonite = Fiend - Stratum
-Pure Luminite = Shock - Stratum
-Pure Moonstone = ? - Stratum
-Pure Darkmatter = ? - Stratum
-Pure Valestone = ? - Stratum

Help me by discovering new combinations! So, we need still these, which are marked with '?'

Legacy Username

haha nice job mate

Legacy Username
You might need to change the subject to grab everyone's attenion

(You're off on the Fiend Stratum. That's Crimsonite + Dark Matter)

Oh, hah someone beat us to it already? Aw shucks.

I'm surprised this hasn't gotten any attention by the other players yet. Or rather it could use some explanation of HOW it works more indepth.

And maybe change that title to... I dunno "Mineral Deposit Formula" or "How the Stratum and the Minerals Work Now." If you can anyway

Presea(Crysbear) compiled it also. Here's her page so far.

http://wiki.spiralknights.com/User:Crysbear (Wait I AM allowed to post a user's info here right? If not please tell me)

Anyways I'll try to elaborate.

Ok with the new Stratum system that was introduced. You can deposit minerals into the currently selected Stratum, and get money. Not only that, but the minerals you deposit shape what kind of theme/specific element etc it would be. In technical terms?

The two Minerals that have the highest value count will be the combination used to determine what type the Stratum will be. (Please look back at Crysbear's page for the side notes but I'll elaborate on the 10% thing here)

The result won't start taking effect until after 10% from the total has been filled already. For example 0/3000 Minerals. You need 300/3000 before the Stratum starts calculating what type it is.

And again from her page "# In the unlikely chance of a tie between minerals, the farther left colour is dominant " But with different players depositing this really is unlikely.

Anyways just to repost what was gotten.

# Red+Green=Beast
# Red+Blue=Gremlin
# Red+Yellow=Fire
# Red+Purple=Fiend
# Green+Yellow=Slime
# Blue+Yellow=Construct

We're missing

# Green+Blue=
# Green+Purple=
# Blue+Purple=
# Yellow+Purple=

There's also a possibility of a SINGLE Mineral only. Which would include another 5. The requirement though is that a single stratum must only have mineral deposit belonging from one mineral only. Anyone care to try finding out about this?

These four (plus 5 if it's doable) so if anyone can rally their minerals and find out what these do, it'd be great!

Note if you check here. http://forums.spiralknights.com/node/1522

Luminite + Dark Matter (yellow + purple) we keep getting a result belonging from other combinations. It MIGHT just be the Coral Skull and something is buggy about it. So try another gate if it comes to that.

Legacy Username
hmm, ok...

so, we are missing Ice, Undead, Shock and Poison + 5 Singles

Legacy Username

So, what about PURE gates? Maybe someone should try to be the first to put a single mineral in a gate and see what happens.

Legacy Username

it doesnt work like that, some1 should have something +300, ex. Crimsonite, and deposit all at once, to empty Stratum.

Legacy Username
It's not just 300

That was just an example. You have to look at the maximum amount that a stratum has calculate 10% of it. Or as Crysbear said "Remove the right most digit while rounding it"

So from the example above. 3000, remove the right most digit that's 300. Let's try another in-game example. The bottom most Stratum's mineral limit is 4210 Remove the right most digit which is a 0 (while rounding too) and it'd be exactly on the calculator.

3368 (the next stratum up) would be 336.8 if you times it by 10% Rounding it off would be 337 (So be sure to round it off before taking out the digit)

Legacy Username
Woho got the Freeze Stratum.

Green + Blue

Blue + Yellow = Shock. But problem here that's suppose to be Construct.

Then there's this weird tie situation (which probably doesn't mean anything might just be buggy)

Legacy Username
Thanks to Medibot

Thanks to Medibot now there's Poison.

So to sum up most of the finds now.

* Red+Green= Beast
* Red+Blue= Gremlin
* Red+Yellow= Fire
* Red+Purple= Fiend
* Green+Blue= Freeze / Ice
* Green+Yellow= Slime
* Green+Purple=

* ??? Blue+Yellow=Construct ??? / Shock This one doesn't make sense but right now because I've NEVER been able to produce Construct with this combination. Shock might take its place.

* Blue+Purple= Poison

* Yellow+Purple=

Only ones missing is most colors involving Purple as one of the top 2. Seems like there's a bug with involving purple. That or the Stratum ignores purple entirely when calculating half the time.

Assuming Shock is the definite answer the only two families that are missing are.


Legacy Username
moonstone + luminite

moonstone + luminite have been construct all the time. but thx for new combs!

Legacy Username
Not anymore.

Well if it was then something changed it cause in all the deposits I did I can not produce Construct.

And this proves it.

Legacy Username

at the newest gate (what isnt ready) i saw DarkMatter and Luminite, and there was Shock!!

Legacy Username
Ooops forgot to mention that.

Yeah that involved me and Kelgis who at the time put pure Mineral only.

Pure Red = Fiend
Pure Yellow = Shock

I'm curious to see Pure Purple.

Legacy Username

TY so much for proving that Moonstone + Luminite IS construct, NOT shock! and thanks anyways for this info!!

Legacy Username

The devs better deal with this or we're never gonna get accurate results due to a possibly buggy stratum system.

Legacy Username

yeah... that sux

Legacy Username
@samuraii i think you may

i think you may wanna check that again, the blue and yellow definitely makes shock, construct isnt discovered yet
proof being the *king* gate on the far right

Gyre-Of-Guile's picture
tricky tricky

Hey guys, it's cool that you're trying to figure out how the gates work, but I just wanted to let you know:

---> We might change it.

You can certainly continue to explore how it works, and we'll watch this thread and gather feedback, but realize that we might change the formula out from underneath you in the next week or so.

If we do, I'll post here again and let you know that things have changed.

Legacy Username

we anyways finished until bugs or changes what ever stops, sick of fighting D:

Gyre-Of-Guile's picture
there are no bugs

No bugs. It's just a bit more complicated than y'all've figured out so far.

Legacy Username
oh? :o

thx for info.. =)

Gyre-Of-Guile's picture
as promised...

I said I'd come back and let you know if we changed it.

Well, we changed it.

Things will work differently at the next update (coming soonish).

- It's similar.
- It's a bit more complicated.
- We had to change some things, which will probably change the stratums in gates that are not yet launched.

Sorry about that last one. These are the downsides of a preview event.

Legacy Username

Please please please let the Ruby Queen Gate launch first before you send that update.

Kelgis and the others hauled ass trying to get that all shock Stratums for the last two.

Gyre-Of-Guile's picture

We hear you. We may accelerate the launch of that gate to tonight before the update so that we don't screw-up your ass-haulings.


But, shock will be easier to add in the new system. There was a known design flaw with the old system that made certain stratum themes less likely than others. That's one of the reasons we changed it.

Gyre-Of-Guile's picture

Oof, sorry, looks like your hard work was screwed-up.

Legacy Username
im guessing the "design flaw"

im guessing the "design flaw" was the half and half chance of getting poison or undead under certain situations?

Gyre-Of-Guile's picture

gates may have preferences.

Legacy Username
unsettling... :3

unsettling... :3

Gyre-Of-Guile's picture
Ruby Queen

Update coming soon.

When it hits, go check out Ruby Queen.

I've forced the bottom two stratums to be shock, ignoring what they would otherwise be in the new design.

Legacy Username
Much love for that! That

Much love for that! That shock gate was hard to force before the last release :3

Legacy Username
My thanks.

Thank you very much sir!