3rd time straight, everyone leaves the level before JK, so that its just me and one other random guy. So close to Antigua, yet so incredibly far.
3rd time straight, everyone leaves the level before JK, so that its just me and one other random guy. So close to Antigua, yet so incredibly far.
well if u re in a PUP, cant blame any1 to not go do a boss with them.
u could solo it.
u could ask them b4 u enter the lvl if they re going, dont just assume every1 does jk runs for tokens, since they re good for crowns/energy/time/difiiculty
Very common.
They're farming for crowns. The stage right before the Royal Jelly boss has a very high crown yield, but the boss itself has almost none.
Best to ask who actually intends to go to the boss and descend/ascend accordingly. At least you don't waste energy on a doomed boss attempt if nobody else is going.
i usually leave before heading to JK. i too run for the crowns. however, i also drop my stuff before going and usually tell people I'm not hitting JK.
Well the op definitely can't solo it with that red danger meter he's got. Find some high level players who you know are going to fight the JK. Maybe ask BigFootM here on the forums, I see him volunteering in some topics.
Actually just sent an invite to BigfootM lol. And yeah, I doubt my majority of 2-star gear will allow me to solo JK, but it's fairly easy with 4 people all at 2 star+ Just a pain when that doesn't happen any more.
Thanks for the heads up on the crown runs, I guess i'll be asking ahead of time if a group is going all the way or not. And another thanks to those that do drop their gear before heading down. I want to cry when I see the only curse vial to drop be left behind.
Not sure why anyone wouldn't communicate with their party before going down to JK. He is not that easy without some sort of plan unless by 2*+ gear you mean pretty much 4* and 5* gear or you mean having to rez 3+ times each. I'm also not sure why people don't drop their vials and vitapod before leaving any PUG; it's just common courtesy.
When I was a beginner I used to hit PUGs a lot. Asking questions will go a long way (i.e. at terminal ask if everyone is planning to do JK, at the end of 16 ask if people are going up or down. If they are going up ask for their vials, vitapod, etc) Usually when people ask me if I'm planning to kill JK the answer is no unless they need help then I'll usually drop down and help them out otherwise I'm dropping all my stuff and heading up since I have no use for jelly gems.
The alternative for you is to stop PUGing and join a guild where you can get to know the people you're running with. Make friends that you can complete JK w/ from PUGs and send them messages when you get to terminal asking if they want to kill JK etc. Basically eliminate random matchmaking as much as possible.
>>>I'm also not sure why people don't drop their vials and vitapod before leaving any PUG; it's just common courtesy.
People are inconsiderate or they don't know you can drag and drop all that stuff to the ground.
With Energy being 6k now, most T2ers and maybe T3ers do this...its like the only way to ensure you get some profit. I always tell my other teammates, and I always drop my vials and vitapod.
I hate it when people leaves the party without even saying anything. It is not polite at all.
No matter if they left because they feel they were to 'leet' for the rest of the party... or because they got to go... or because they changed their minds or whatever possible reason... but they just could've SAID SOMETHING.
A simple "sorry guys, I'm not gonna continue" would work just fine.
When we reach the elevator in any level, I always ask if we're going deeper. And, if I can't or don't want to go to next level, I always say that 'I'm going back to Haven'.
Sometimes, this game lacks communication so badly...
Just before getting on the gate to go to jelly king proper, I'll ask if people want to go on or not. If people want to go on and do jelly king, then I'll go with them. If people are going up, then I go up, too.
Of course, I've already got 50 jelly gems, and Brinks doesn't offer anything that I want for them. If only I could trade them for sparks and get trinkets...
I really do hate when people just help themselves and use me, I'm just lucky this doesn't happen to me frequently....
I mean come on, I'm trying to get stuff too, if only people listen and help each other out, I could have my Sealed Sword by now...
well i feel that inviting someone else to join you right at the end of level 16 is worse, you make them waste 20 energy for 50 crowns and 1 jelly gem. So there is no use in dropping stuff for you if you cant solo or 2 man JK.
I'm always up for JK run, pure crown farming is kinda boring ( not saying killing Royal Jelly is much better but still ), I judge my team strength before I decided if I want to join them instead. It's not so much about the insistence on gears or skills for the matter, I look for common courtesy. If a player keep dying over and over, we spend more health bar to res them rather than taking damage, and the ignorance and condescending tone on commanding players to help them when they died or screwed up by zerg rushing, then sorry I'm out. I'm also out if I think the RJ battle will just be res fest for them and I would actually discourage them to do it.
Dropping vial and informing beforehand is common courtesy, to this I agree.
When i'm in a pickup group i usually go solo because i know that going solo means i can kill the jelly king for sure, theres no guarantees that it would be beaten as a party.
Given that bosses scale to party size, I'd say there's nothing wrong with leaving a group at the final elevator. It's courteous to say something, and drop your items, but the fight won't actually get any harder. Unless you were expecting them to win the fight for you.
I clicked the pic link and was like"oh,as expected,another 2 star player who wants others to babysit their seal sword"
75% of 2 star equipped players just fool around,get hit,do nothing,die,and don't even use a rez just lying there doing nothing
all of us pioneers got their seal sword by spending bloody ce on rez and now you just want to leech free tokens
well done and I wish you good luck.
Judging by the red dot on your minimap, you're primarily in 2 star gear meaning you've already advanced beyond the advised level.
Players leave before the JK because they either don't need tokens or they don't want to carry undergeared players who will not significantly contribute to killing the boss. On the occasions that I run JK palace with a PUG, they inevitably ask whether I (wearing 5 star gear) will go down to kill JK with them because they realize (although you appear not to) that their 2 star gear is not appropriate for what they want to do.
Sometimes you'll get a geared player to carry you through the fight; just realize that these players are doing so out of kindness, not obligation. I can easily kill the JK solo or carrying one person, but I have failed multiple times while attempting to carry 3 undergeared/bad players.
Now thats a surprising take. No, I'm not looking for 3 other 5 star players to come and whack JK for me, I'm looking for 3 other 2 star players to help me take him on. After reading several forums, watching a view JK runs on youtube, looking at what people recommended to do/have for gear I decided to start taking on JK. Not much else to do in T2, esp since Snarbolax is worthless.
I've got 16 tokens atm, none that came from any group that had more than 3 star gear. Each fight won was grind, with each person reviving at least once. But a wins a win.
Sorry that us new pioneers have 5 star people around, else I'd much prefer your situation. At least then I'd have a full group heh.
This happens a lot I would recommend what many posted ask if they are going down for sure since most players do not.
*If I am not busy/afk/farming/chilling* Feel free to send me a tell (Not a random invite since I dont respond to those I get way too many), but if you and your team need an extra person for jelly king (Invite me at the start of 16 or 15) and I will gladly help you beat him.
Ign: Njthug
My experience has been that if you stop before fighting jelly king to explain what is going on, then most people in PUGs are just fine. In particular, be sure to tell them:
1) Jelly king heals, so we have to do a lot of damage quickly, and wearing it down slowly is not an option.
2) Everything else other than jelly king respawns, so killing other jellies is useless.
3) If you die, you must revive yourself using energy immediately and return to the fight.
There are some other details that are nice to tell people, such as trying to keep jelly king poisoned or on fire as much as possible, and getting out of the way when it turns pink and spins, but those are the important ones.
I'm a little hesitant to go to jelly king in a party with people who have already paid to revive themselves with energy several times. If it's only 5 energy to revive yourself, it's not that big of a deal. If it's 40 or 80, people might be more hesitant.
If I get to jelly king in a PUG with three health capsules, then sometimes I'll die or sometimes not. If I have fewer than three health capsules when I get there, then it probably means I had to do a lot of reviving other party members in the preceding levels, and jelly king might be trouble for the same reasons that I had to revive them so much.
The real question is why are people farming crowns in a group with its more profit per energy to solo?
considering JK runs, where mats are pretty worthless compared to crown drops, u probably end up making more crows/time/energy
When you consider that it takes 600 crowns worth of CE to go down, you have:
1) 3000 crown cost over 5 JK battles.
2) 15 Token gain over 5 completed JK battles.
3) Buying and selling a 3* Jelly piece results in 3500 profit.
4) On average you might get 100 crowns for beating JK.
5) This means you only get about 1k profit, every 5 energy you spend to revive takes away from that profit.
6) Ultimately if you revive for more than 15 energy total over 5 floor 17 JK battles, you are losing money by being on the last floor.
The real question is why are people farming crowns in a group with its more profit per energy to solo?
Because it's not.
In my case recently I have only had time to do 1 run per day, and usually i been getting a PUG for either FSC or JK.
Just now I did a JK run, netted 3600 crowns from the Terminal on. Seeing how I used ME cost me no CE =)
Just throwing that in, I know most people can't use ME since it gets used up in no time, but its just something to add to the equation. If you are doing it all on ME over 5 days, its all profit. Hell even if you pick up a party at the terminal its more profit, and can run it 2 times from there to get the max value.
Off to work (wish I could work for SK then I could play all day and get paid! then I could buy more CE! lol)
i find it funny ppl say its all profit when they use ME, u could use the energy for something that gives better profit, so technically it can be unprofitable to use ME
Wrong. You can sell them to the computer for 3500 crowns (3*weapons/armor/helms only).
Any dungeon run that you use mist energy for is profitable because its free. It doesn't matter that you could be doing something MORE profitable with it. It is never unprofitable, just less than an alternative.
It depends how you define profitability. There is such a thing as opportunity cost, which many people don't seem to understand.
yes, if I remember right that's basically when you sacrifice one alternative for another. It happens whenever you make a choice.
When I choose to buy a gallon of ice cream for $2, the opportunity cost is whatever else I could have bought with that $2 (or just the money itself, I forgot =T).
So when I'm given my free 100 ME, and I choose to waste it on running d1 over and over again, compared to running JK, yes, that's unprofitable. But I see it as simply free energy that has no value, and anything, anything at all I use it for to create value is profit, even if its a single crown.
something seems a little wrong with that opportunity cost example to me. The vanilla ice cream is still worth $2, and could at least in theory be resold even though that's hardly practical... and even if we don't worry about that, it's more like a direct cost. You paid for the privilege of enjoying ice cream.
Opportunity cost is more like, you have a day off and are called up to be asked if you can work an extra day (for wages, salary is different). If you say no, you have lost the opportunity to make money. You didn't -pay- for the day off as such, but you lost the chance to make money when you didn't go in on your day off. An opportunity cost is whenever you put yourself in such a situation that you -could- have made money but didn't. It's the cost of missing an opportunity to earn.
In mist energy terms, there's a slight opportunity cost to running regular level instead of boss levels - you could have been running jelly palace for 6k or running some other tier for 5k you 'lost' 1k. But materials collected might make the difference anyway - jelly palace drop materials are incredibly low value because so many people make that run. There's a huge opportunity cost in not logging in for a day - if only long enough to craft a couple 2* items that you can resell later.
A lot of people do that because they only do the run for the crowns. Jelly King at best will give you like 50 crowns or so which isn't worth the 10 energy to spend. Try getting better gear, Wolver won't always cut it for you.