If you would like to share, please post here. The only risk is that they will get 1k friend requests...
Which players have you had good experiences with?
Anyone with you on a run, etc.
Basically everyone in my friend list. All the people who I added for JK runs are nice too. There are some people (like maybe 10 to 20) who I always trust, basically.
uh...that doesn't help, I was thinking names.. maybe?
Is Cobalt :3
all of echo of silence guild are great too though~ so spam them!
Aw I saw some guy from Echo of Silence earlier I can't remember the name though lol should've spammed up the inbox

One guy named Detnar. He's ne of my friends/guild members. we actually dont really do runs together, but we chase each other around the guild hall, pary, and lots of other fun stuff. yesterday we held a poking party thing. we kept poking each other. (more fun than it seems).

Aw I saw some guy from Echo of Silence earlier I can't remember the name though lol should've spammed up the inbox
I get spammed enough thanks... >_>
telling you some names would be like selling my friends out to strangers.
i know some people, the most of them seem to be mature. as for guilds, i have only bad experiences.
Is this just anyone or people on the forum? I haven't played with anyone (that I know of) from the forum. I do remember some extremely great runs I had with people like a flawless Jelly King run we had. They were Tetraslash, Lawbringer, and ChaosCatalyst. I've also run into a guy names Etamnanki quite often, always had good runs with him.