Please let it be quicksilver recipes!
*edit* Nick posted, it is!
Update coming!?
Why does everyone complain about the blast radius? It isn't even bad. And if you have such a trouble with it then shield the missile when it flies toward you so that only the missile hits.
Thats great about the Quicksilver items. I really need to see the stats and whether or not there's a movement bonus on them.
EDIT: Why are they nerfing and easy level? BTW does leveling out the crown payout mean that IMF is going to give more or that Jelly is going to give less? Please be the former... Not only so that we still have Jelly to farm on (hell even Nick called it Jelly Farm) but so IMF is more rewarding

- Fixed an issue causing Quicksilver line armor and helm recipes to very rarely spawn in Basil's catalog."
...That's it? No fix to Kilo/Gigawatt Pulsar/Polaris' long-distance damage? *Facepalm*
Why do I get the feeling they intended for it to be that way?

I have a feeling that JK will give less, about 2k or so less. D:
At least that is what I'm preparing for. I'll find out after the reboot.
"Loot rebalanced in some levels to bring them in line with the rest of the game."
What? What levels are you talking about? I really hope that means more CR from IMF and NOT less CR from JK...
Also, what about the damn FPS drop in the IMF levels?

No more Royal Jelly farming. Enjoy your poverty, peasants.
It'd be much appreciated if any GM would clarify what some of the updates really meant.
"even Nick called it Jelly Farm"
he's talking about The Jelly Farm / The Jelly Farm II, two levels in Aurora Isles, they're so cute lots of jelly!!!
I'm excited for updates all the time of course.
Ugh there are levels called Jelly Farm? lol Anyway It better be a crown increase for IMF. I want my Jelly runs and honestly how do they expect most people to play if the CE price is higher than the amount made from a single run? There's a new message in my mailbox which doesn't help out at all. BTW whats an energy turret?
energy turret is like a friendly mecha knight
You spend energy to turn it on, and you have yourself a turret.
... Is what I'd like to say, but I went on a rush from B10F to defeat the Roarmulus Twins in less than 45 minutes with a friend. We started the fight with the 5 minutes warning and ended with the two minutes warning... At least we made it, but dang, that was cutting it close. I wouldn't mind a proper warning next time.
they like the mecha knights on deconstruction zones, and they puppies

Nope, they didn't fix the kilowatt pulsar line. Thanks OOO.
Unless it's supposed to have a short-range shot that's elemental and a normal-type expanded shot, then what the heck is the point of making an alternate line? It makes no sense to me.
dont see how's that a bad thing... it already does massive damage and u the explosion pushes back enemies besides if u want elemental damage shoot from upclose, if u want normal shoot from a distance, 2 in 1

I don't know about what you (or more importantly, OOO) thinks, but IMO the main purpose of the Pulsar is the long-distanced explosive bullet it fires. If the Polaris fires the same distance shot as the Supernova, then what is the point of it existing? Not to mention firing at close range for elemental damage puts you at higher risk of being damaged, and defeats the purpose of it being a GUN. If I wanted to get up close for elemental damage, I'd use my DA, thanks.

It's supposed to be an elemental gun. There's honestly NO point in getting it instead of the Normal line, because the main idea of the pulsar lines is the explosive bullets. It's like having a Heavy Pulsar and a Kilowatt Pulsar and having two of the same thing.
It's not '2 in 1' because guns are ranged. Having to go right up to an enemy to attack with the damage type you want is stupid with guns; whip out your sword and you're dealing a lot more damage at close range. It defeats the purpose of the blasted thing.

Fix the killowatt pulsars. Anothe prob with them along with split damage, is that the 3* and 4* version are EXCATLY the same! Same damage, and all. FIX this up!!

"No more Royal Jelly farming. Enjoy your poverty, peasants."
You misunderstand the consequences of reducing Jelly Palace payouts. With lower payouts, fewer crowns will be entering the system, so all crowns will be worth more. Enjoy your greater flexibility in choosing profitable runs, everyone.

You misunderstand the consequences of reducing Jelly Palace payouts.
You misunderstand my post. It was a joke.
Greetings, I am Helstar. I often keep track of numbers for Jelly runs. Before this patch, D15 Jelly was around 533 Cr, while D16 Jelly was around 2675 Cr. I just received 715 Cr and 1637 Cr from those two levels respectively, and noticed many Jelly enemies dropping absolutely nothing upon dying. I don't believe Materials drop have been lowered, however. I'm not sure what other levels have been changed, but I hear The Jelly Farm / The Jelly Farm II have reduced Crowns as well. I don't believe D15 was changed significantly, but D16 was.
Sorry for bumping.
EDIT : Corrected numbers. (I apologize for any inconvenience.)
So can someone confirm that jelly castle is less crowns now?
I was just with Helstar when we did D15 and D16. It was pretty depressing to see the outcome.
jelly runs rent most profit... they just easy and fast, if u looking for crowns/energy do an arena at 17, thats over 3k worth and u get some good mats

I hope they jacked up the crown rates for tier 3 at least... That is where it should be cash cowing.
THAT would make sense... at least to me?
maybe make FSC more profitable?
the random gates as well? ....
Yes, that makes perfect sense to be honest.
Having Tier 3 be as profitable as Tier 2 is depressing, it should be much more rewarding, what with the added danger and all. This is one reason why most players won't do Tier 3, because it's not worth it unless you're after 5* Recipes, or hoping for a 5* Material.
I myself rarely do Tier 3 because of these reasons, even though my skill ''level'' is beyond enough to easily do Tier 3 runs. I can stand the challenges, but can't stand how unrewarding it is.
right now there isnt one, but like 3 gates ago there was one better than jelly, it had 4 arenas and had that palace with spiral court on last 2 lvls(wich gave lots of ghost bells $_$) it also had 1 challenge room but was on strat 3 so i normally would pass that. right now theres an arena on depth 19, u can just keep doing it over and over it gives a lil over 1k and chance at sun silvers $_$!!
edit: just went and look gates coral rook gate has an arena on depth 17

For the people who have been doing jelly farms 2 a lot, I have got the numbers. Before update cr total: around 2300 cr.
After update cr total: precisly 1373 cr. Still excellent for tier 1, but not nearly anywhere close to before. Some people have been farming this, don't know if they will any longer.
IGN: Rangerwill

Hmm...well that makes this less cool but for the time being I'll be in IMF regardless for boss items.
Still, if its roughly 2400 for two levels. That's not that bad. AKA 1200 crowns for 10 energy. And if you look into predictability of the stages, that makes it still sorta easy money. But now there's more of a reason to go elsewhere I guess :D But my new Plasma Capacitor is fun in JK so I might hang there even after I finish with IMF hehe...
I'd prefer a bit of adjustment to the new boss stratum...
Something like smaller blast radius from missiles, getting killed 5 feet away from a blast only a foot in diameter is a problem.