Right now, im merching 2* weapons, armour, and hats. I have no specific item but I was wonder of you, more advanced and professional merchs, what are you techniques or specific items that you merch?
What items do you merch?
after i read the op i got an idea of what to write than i read 1# and i got confused, anyway.
what u mean by merching?
buying for 1 and selling for 3?
or try to get Uv's?
What he means by "merching" is what items are you crafting / selling to the auction house.
Sry I confused you - I am crafting and selling in the auction house, I just mentioned that before I sold a good UV item, I would keep it <_<
I apologize for this confusion. Please - we are talking about crafting and selling items.
Or - if you find it successful, buying items that are underbid and re-selling them for a profit.
I have not attempted this venture, but if you have experience with it you would like to share, please do ^_^
i have and i was willing to share the info, cuz of current AH its so easy to manipulate the prices, what u said is just a minor, ill make a thread about this, dont have time for a 30 min post
ahh, right now i dont have the recipes to make items, so im just buying items and reselling them...
BTW is it good to start the bid price at 1?
Also considering that energy is about 2950cr for 50CE (or 5900 for 100CE) and it costs 50energy to craft a weapon(correct me if im wrong), doesnt it mean that you would have to sell items for at least 2950cr to make a profit?
I start the bid price at 1 because I trust that no one is gonna pass a low bid item, so I'm sorta "assured" to get a "fair" amount if my bin is too high. This has happened once, and it was with Swordstones. The week that SK was released on Steam swordstones were up to 1.5-2k price range because of how many items need them. It then fell pretty quick back down to the 200-300 range where it sits now. Without checking I posted up a dozen swordstones for 1450, then noticed that the price hit about 750 <_< Sure enough, a day later, all of my sword stones close with bids around 750. If I didn't have a 1 cr opening bid, ppl would have simply passed my high bin rate and I would have been out the fee, with unsold mats <_<
I also had a UV I crafted on a weapon that worked with it (increased damage to undead low on a fire alche) which I figured may, or may not, fetch a better price <_< I put an opening bid at 1 cr, and threw up a bin that was higher than normal... My bin wasn't reached, but the bid did exceed the value of a non-uv gun, so again - like the first story - I'm not out a fee with an unsold gun.
edit - @ OneDollar - Most ppl do not craft 2* items using crystal energy. What they do is create an alt account. Mist Energy is shared UNLESS you purchase CE on your accounts, doing this permanently separates them. I have 3 accounts each with 100 mist a day. 1 of them I play on, the other 2 craft. This means I can craft 4x 2* items every day without using any crystal energy. This allows me to sell at a rate that is cheap to ppl who are playing their account, while being profitable to me.
I go up to a random person that looks shiny and...
Enter > Ctrl + V (paste) = 500 crowns plzzzz plzzzz plzzzz
and Ive earned more than 25,000 Ce doing this.
As a gunner I have an alt craft 2* guns each day. If I get an amazing UV I'll keep it ^_^ If not, I put it on the market.
I always check the ah to see where prices are for the weapons I craft, and craft accordingly. Prices vary a lot through the day, and days, so I always check before crafting. Then I put a bin amount to place my gun roughly in the top 10 cheapest bin list, with a 1 cr starting bid.
I've been doing this for about 2 weeks and haven't had any decent UV's come through, but it has been a steady income of cr equal to what I used to get farming jk on that account (only spending 10 minutes crafting / merching rather than 1.5 hours on a boss run XD)
I've been thinking of picking up an additional alt account to craft a bit more on (imo only profitable craft is mi crafting) and increasing the recipes that I own so I can increase my chances of getting useful uv's (for me or to sell) without flooding the market on a few items down-rocketing the prices <_<