So now with all the new guns out.
Which line is better for a single Gun user?
Alchemers? Catalyzer? Pulsar? Valiance? Magnus? Autogun?
Currently have - Vile Striker, A.Calibur and Fire & Ice Atomizers.
So now with all the new guns out.
Which line is better for a single Gun user?
Alchemers? Catalyzer? Pulsar? Valiance? Magnus? Autogun?
Currently have - Vile Striker, A.Calibur and Fire & Ice Atomizers.
I wouldn't recommend you go by other's opinions, but instead read the wiki description of each gun, and watch how the gun behaves in battle. Maybe Youtube can help with that. See if it's capable of affecting the enemies you'll be facing the most.
But I'll go on a limb and say don't pick Magnus unless you're a collector. It's the most stupid gun ever designed in this game. I crafted up to Mega Magnus and have the Iron Slug recipe but I won't bother crafting unless I'm really rich. If someday it becomes capable of shotting while walking then it may be worth a try.
I don't agree with iamah's opinion on Magnus entirely. It's one of the most useful gun - if I'm forced to play with two weapon slots only I go with Voltech Alchemer and Magnus (actually I have them both upgraded to 5* at the moment). Magnus is very effective against wolvers, greavers and gremlins actually. BTW if you consider upgrading Mega Magnus to 5* I'd advice Callahan, not Iron Slug.
The handgun I wouldn't recommend is Autogun, but it's just my personal opinion - there are people who find Autoguns useful probably.
Callahan is godly.
Also, that catalyzer looks pretty nice. If they made it so that explosions from charge attacks detonated latent charge attacks on other monsters in the radius, but reduced the total number of charge attacks you could have out at once, I could see it becoming a really useful weapon for crowd control.
How long does the charge field last?
The charge fields last 15-20 seconds.
ah. thanks for the Replies :D.
I have read up on & watched some videos.
I think I'll have to go on a whim and say, I like big Guns & Magnus seems like one of those guns :D.
Has anyone figured out if the [elemental] Pulsar line's expanded shot is supposed to deal NORM Dmg? or is that a bug?
Is the Charged Explosion of the Catalyzer the same case?
I have 15 tokens from the Twins. I'm just wondering which to try.
The pulsar normal damage is a bug, but the catalyzer is not bugged. The catalyzer charge hits extremely hard.
the problem with the catalyzer can be summed up in three points
1. it's time consuming to attach the charged fields to enemies even with its extremely fast charge time. plus the speed at which the bullets go this make its hard to land one accurately (not to mention those enemies that dodge projectiles)
2. in the time it takes to attach charged shots to enemies could cause a problem in that the enemy can still swarm you in that time. even if you were smart and avoid this you would more than likely use the normal gun shots instead of the charges which kinda defies the point imo
3. possibly the biggest issue, there's a very good chance you will be in a group namely PUGs. this leads to the dilemma where all that hard work to attach charges fields to enemies is laid to waste as your teammates cut down the enemy horde swiftly. this causes the charged fields to disappear without detonating (unless you detonate as they are in their death animation like with trents).
An Alchemer is probably the best balanced out gun for someone who only wants a single gun to use and you could easily fit a Storm or Umbra Driver into that arsenal. I have my Pulsar and Catalyzer and love them, they're really fun guns to use and people need to stop complaining about the bullet speed since its really not that bad. BTW why wasn't Antigua listed as one of your choices?
Yes, they are fun to use indeed. I can't completely enjoy my Polaris though because of the damage bug (and I have a sinking feeling they won't fix it anytime soon, if at all)...
I think I've been spoiled by reading the MasterGunner Thread :D.
I have also been considering keeping getting an Elemental Alchemer and Umbra to swap around with as a secondary weapon depending on strata.
Then comes the consideration of the new guns. haha.
The thing about the New Guns seem to be. Is that they hit hard, which in some ways was for the people complaining guns were underpowered?
Also, it seems the new Silvermail has a Movespeed Bonus. Is that worth getting over other Bonus? :D
For a single gun - I would recommend a storm / freeze alchemer or ardent peacemaker.
btw - the callahan is one of my fav guns, I use it a lot. Don't be dissin on the magnus line >_<
"If they made it so that explosions from charge attacks detonated latent charge attacks on other monsters in the radius, but reduced the total number of charge attacks you could have out at once, I could see it becoming a really useful weapon for crowd control."
"It already does that."
No, the Youtube demonstration earlier in this thread has one such potential chain-reaction at 1:07. But it doesn't go off.
The secondary target was clearly hit with the initial explosion, as it gets blasted off its feet. But its orbiting charged shot doesn't detonate.
It doesn't cause chain reactions but if a target has multiple charges they will all detonate with one bullet.
I'll be honest with y'all. The Toxic Catalyzer has completely replaced my Shadowtech Alchemer. First of all, it's a no-ricochet gun which means that it's rather useful on levels where you don't want to hit switches accidentally (*Cough* Ironclaw Munitions Factory *Cough*). It also allows you to kite like crazy while stacking charges on multiple monsters. Then you just shoot normal bullets and watch the fireworks :D. The poison status is also extremely useful in terms of keeping Menders from healing.
I'm not sure about the Pulsar line of guns, I plan to get one soon to test it out. Who knows, maybe it'll be my voltech replacement too.
It's much more useful than you think.
If you fire it aggressively at gremlins, they won't be able to escape the bullets. And by aggressive fire I mean walk towards them while shooting three bullets. Since the bullets move so slow, the gremlins will keep on dodging until they hit a wall. And they'll keep on dodging against the wall if you keep on firing.
It might be good against Gremlins, but not against wolvers because they teleport in T3. Seriously though. You HAVE to try using a Virulent Catalyzer or Biohazard on those Darkfang Gremlins.
Hey, they're still 'useful' when wolvers are around. T3 danger room with wolvers and gremlins? Just shoot at wolvers while the others whittle away at the gremlins lol.
Shoot at a wolver, turn around and sword.
As for the new weapons, I tried the pulsar. Haven't tried the catalyst yet. I wouldn't use the pulsar as your primary source of damage because is a bit unwieldy to use. But it has a really good knockback effect. It's nowhere near as good as a charged caliber attack, but it is really good. To me, this makes it an excellent second weapon for a pure gunner. It's also a good choice if you want to use your gun for pure crowd control.
I recommend the blaster if you're only going with one gun. A blaster doesn't do much damage, but it hurts everything equally, so it will be a viable choice for every battle.
My second choice would be an alchemer. Alchemers do more damage than the blaster against some targets, but are weak against other targets. So if you pack an alchemer then you may have to use your other weapons when you might not want to. If you are ok with this, then get an alchemer as your gun.
I don't know why anyone chooses to engage T3 wolvers with anything but bombs. They're tricky to engage in melee, and using guns around them is hazardous. But they LEAP into your bomb radius, no matter where you are. You can target indiscriminately and you'll still nail half the wolvers on the map.
This seems like the right place to ask -- can I ditch my Venom Striker plans to go after a Toxic Catalyzer for Royal Jelly? I know I need some sort of poison weapon to wreck it, but I don't want to level more weapons than I need to for a boss I'll be done with fifteen tokens in, and it seems like Toxic Catalyzer is even more well suited for taking on RJ than the Striker line is.
Plus it seems like Toxic Catalyzer might duo well with a Divine Avenger for a general-use two-weapon build as compared to my current plans for Divine Avenger + Callahan.
I think the pulsar is the best for a single gunner. It has more range than the drivers. And the antigua line isn't very good. Split damage is bad.
My 4* Gigawatt Pulsar deals more damage than my hail driver level 10. My GW Pulsar also stuns which, minus it's attack speed; is better than the storm driver.
Go pulsar
@ yokai:
let me ask you some thing:
Are you planing to go to kill a tier 2 boss with two 5* weapons? one of them adquired form another tier2 boss??...
and, how do you plan kill roamulus twins? (the boss that give you the gun) another 5* set of weapons only for them?
I have a pulsar, and plan to go for electric / elemental path (POLARIS) ... IT STUNS TOO??
I am not planning to take on Royal Jelly with two 5* weapons. I do plan to eventually get two 5* weapons, though.
As for the Roarmulous Twins, from what I can tell the only aspect where your weapon matters much is killing the minions, as most of the fight is oriented around having them blow each other up, making weaponry less important than a good armor/shield set for them.
I would probably be going after RJ using the 4star version of either the poison catalyzer or the poison striker line.
Speaking of which, catalyzer line is hilarious in the RJ fight. I had the big jellies chasing after me, and I started tagging them with charge shots. Shield pushed them to the RJ and detonated - it wiped out all the large ones and forced the RJ to go into phase 2.
I might try to solo it with Biohazard :V
I just tried the catalyzer. I can't recommend it as a primary gun in it's base form. The bullets are way too slow.
I got suspicious when an Ironclaw Scorcher outran my bullets. I don't mean that sidestep thing they do. It was retreating on low health. It. Outran. My. Bullets. (more like outwalked at the rate it was moving.) I tried to shoot straight and run in the direction of my bullets. Turns out you run faster than catalyzer bullets. I passed my own bullets about 2/3's of the way though their range, even given the head start that they have when you pause to shoot them. It's hard to hit anything that moves with that gun. You can use it on slimes, turrets, lumbers, and undead, but that's it.
Maybe the upgrades are better, but based on first impressions, do not obtain the catalyzer.
Ironclaw Scorcher outran my bullets. I don't mean that sidestep thing they do. It was retreating on low health. It. Outran. My. Bullets. (more like outwalked at the rate it was moving.) I tried to shoot straight and run in the direction of my bullets. Turns out you run faster than catalyzer bullets. I passed my own bullets about 2/3's of the way though their range, even given the head start that they have when you pause to shoot them.
It's hard to hit anything that moves with that gun.
Not at all if only it moves in, more or less, your direction, not running away from you. I agree it’s not a weapon of choice during pursuits, but let’s face it, most often monsters run toward you not away from you.
You can use it on slimes, turrets, lumbers, and undead, but that's it.
I use Toxic Catalyzer on gremlins all the time (mostly in Arena and various Deconstruction Zones). It works different then any other gun, but it works really well when you get used to it and learn new ways. At first I’ve been a bit afraid when switching from Callahan to Toxic Catalyzer in gremlin stratums but now I’m fully satisfied with new handgun.
Maybe the upgrades are better, but based on first impressions, do not obtain the catalyzer.
As far as I know upgrades works the same way – just deal more damage/cause poison. Anyway I endorse using Catalyzer.
I thought you were lying or being stupid talking about the catalyzer bullets, but I got me a new one (and a CTR:Low UV on the 3* upgrade!) and it turns out you were right: Catalyzer (2*)'s bullets are REALLY slow, and you CAN run past them. After I upgraded it to 3*, I found myself able to run behind and 'renew' the shot as it fizzled out.
Not sure about the Neutralizer yet, but as far as the Biohazard goes, I run behind the bullets. I think they move the same speed as running.
It sounds like the upgrades to the Catalyzer have faster bullets. Then that's not bad. (I haven't upgraded my Catalyzer yet. I will soon.) But the base 2* Catalyzer needs to be fixed. Right now the bullets from the 2* model are too slow to be effective in some situations.
I also hear what you are saying about mobs traveling towards you. But, that's not always the case in the game. Sometimes mobs will be aggro'ed onto a team mate, and sometimes enemies retreat when they are low health. The base 2* catalyzer is not that great in those situations.
so yeah, if i were to use only one gun i would never consider catalyzers. Too effin slow. Valiance all the way imo.