MASS lag

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Frederick's picture

Have ever one of you noticed that the new update make the game performance HORABLE? i usualy can pwn the 2nd tier, but now it lags every few secs and i can't even survive for 5 minutes...and i already tried lowering all the settings, still doesn't work. i even thinking on stoping playing SP because of this lag... this is not a suggestion but... seriously, do something with the graphic. I'm using a laptop and most of the player i know use one too... they have also have alot of lag. and few of my friends stop playing till they don't have anymore lags. please do something with this, anybody! :(

Pauling's picture
Some of the new monsters

Some of the new monsters (especially the beam-weapon mecha zombies) do induce serious lag. I suspect that the new art still needs to be tweaked for different graphics settings... and yes, I'm hoping they'll do so soon.

Cactuscat's picture
Granted I'm on a reasonably

Granted I'm on a reasonably decent computer, but I haven't noticed any FPS difference since the latest patches. I'll have to test on my laptop, I suppose...

No, but I've noticed them to

No, but I've noticed them to be horrible.

Seriously though, I've hit tons of lag with the new monsters. The mechazombies' beams especially.

Legacy Username
thats right

the most of the ppl hate the mecha zombies because they produce massive lagg with their attacks
i hope they will do something on that lagg because i always die in the zombie arenas/other depths
the most of the lag i have is produces in the arenas from the laser beam zombies too many attacking at once

Frederick's picture
Delete it?

I know this is a bad idea, every1 knows but.. maybe delete those mechas? they're such pain in the !&@ if on packs.. not they're just kindda overpowered, they also do MASS LAG!

Cactuscat's picture
I'll be terribly disappointed

I'll be terribly disappointed if they removed them, because they are not only awesome, but they actually take different approaches to defeat properly compared to every other monster. -.-

Legacy Username
I have no issue...

I don't have any graphics lag at all with these new monsters or maps, but it looks like a lot of other people do. Perhaps it would be a good idea to have a toggle setting that enables dynamic scaling of the graphics quality dependent on the user's current frame rate. That's just an idea, however, and it may be too complicated.

I hope that something is done to rectify the issue.

~Eito (Demu)

Legacy Username
Lag and slingshots

A related question on bug reporting. Is it valuable to report instances of "lag" in bug reports to help improve the overall game performance? If so, what sort of information is most useful with these reports other than reporting odd lag effects?