I'm just gonna be frank here.
In a game where your playtime is directly determined by how much in-game currency you possess, you'd think they would take scamming a bit more seriously.
Maybe check trade and energy histories for players who have been reported, rather than just chat logs.
Since chat logs are an inferior and outdated means of detecting scammers and it has been proven time and time again by people's posts on this forum that they don't work.
Most people's first response to being scammed isn't "I should report them".
And I don't blame them, you've said that they won't get their items back if that player is banned.
Why the hell would you want to report somebody if all they're going to get is a temporary ban and still get to keep your items?
Not to mention that a lot of the players who get scammed are children, who might get upset at the prospect of losing all their hard earned items.
I don't believe that there is nothing you can do about it, either. You guys unbound items for players following the 5/17 patch and kill bugged bosses for people. But you can't ban scammers?
If that's really the case, then how come you guys haven't done anything about it sooner?
Your system is flawed and you need to start taking this stuff seriously.
Because I'm not just tired of seeing the threads about the same scammers constantly and consistently, I'm tired of not seeing anything being done about it.
And I know I'm not the only one.
Is it really this super clear that nothing is being done about scammers? I believe nothing can be officially stated when a player is banned, which causes a PR problem like the successes of the CIA. If no one can talk about bans, it's hard to say they are or are not happening. The canned response you are going to get about this is pretty straight forward:
"We cannot divulge any information about account related actions, but we assure you every reported incident is looked into, and we do take action. The only way you can prevent scammers is by reporting them. Please report. Thank you."