Has anyone ever defeated the JK with bombs only? I would find it rather impressive if someone recorded it and showed it to me :) Do you reckon its possible?
Jelly King bomb only?
Thank you I shall try and dig it up.
Eek and Sick did it.
I tried to jokingly do this with the Plasma Capacitor today as a substitute for Ash of Agni...didn't go well lol. Might've went a little better if I had the 5* but I doubt it.
Off topic: I just noticed one of my FB friends posted in that topic lol
Did both of them do it solo or did they work together? Bomb solo would be a bit harder than with a team. Same with solo guns especially pre-Catalyzer.
Both solo.
I linked the thread so I didn't have to post the videos but lol..
Now this was before the piercing changes, but I think they could still do it anyway since that's not going to make the biggest difference in how they move and avoided damage.
I know you did but I didn't want to see the videos (or bother with the topic) so I just asked in addition to the rest of my post. Thats pretty awesome that they solo'd it with bombs.
im trying to make a vid with sunshards, but my fraps only lasts 30secs, im currently needing like 35 secs because of little mistakes.. >.<
PS:if eeks reads this, do a jk speedrun with sunshards pls, my vid quality sucks anyways D=, ty
E: thanks eeks, i really love good quality on gameplay videos :D
A solo using just sun shards may not be possible due to jk's fast health regen. I've tried using just Nitro in him. I gave up when it reached 10min.
Vana with just sun shards on the other hand...very possible.
lol i HAVE already finished it as mentioned above, just that i cant make a video of the complete thing
edit: http://www.veoh.com/watch/v21093551tTFgsFPP
ther feel free to do it faster, complete and in better quality pls, im not a good vid maker, ty
>Now this was before the piercing changes, but I think they could still do it anyway since that's not going to make the biggest difference in how they move and avoided damage.
I've redone it since with the new jellies. Bomb only except for one section where I get weapon switch glitch and end up with a pulsar D: It took longer mainly because I kept missing my ash of agni on his spin phase.
Ah I see. Good job. Thanks for informing me that it is possible. You did however use both Ash and Tempest before his spawn. Though it may only be a minor nitpick. Also, even though you pulled it off quickly, tanking hits in the beginning like that probably wont be possible for me or other people with slower connections or frame lag.
well its pure bombing and like i said my recording time is limited so i tryed whatever possible lol
seeing ur vid i doubt u cant do it, the tanking wasnt really on purpose tho, it was more likely random, u could place a BAB as opening to get rid of little ones(if shock isnt good enough), just no ash and shock bomb then :l
I tried to do it faster but my next 3 runs were slower and i'm kind of over it now. If you get lucky you can probably clear it in under 60 seconds I guess
Man..Seems I severely underestimate those Sun Shards. Awesome vid as always Eeks. That run went wayyy faster than I would have imagined. Now I'm itching to try it..
I was finally able to cut some time off. Ironically I accidentally came in with volcanic demo helm instead of mad bomber so I was dealing slightly less damage. I was able to shave it to 73s but still a long way from Zelda's sub-40s times....
My biggest issue right now is the adds in the beginning trapping me and not allowing me to drop my bombs as close/fast as I want. They also make me drop a ton of dud bombs but that's another issue entirely. For the second phase I think I have a pretty decent strategy down, basically chase after him as he spins and put one as close as you dare right when he stops and immediately start charging your 2nd. If you're lucky he'll roll on top of your first bomb and take ~6-8 hits and if you're even luckier he'll roll over both of them.
I think if you combined the times for phase 1 in my first video and phase 2 in my second it'd be right around 40 seconds but I don't know if I can pull it off in one run D:
edit: I cheated with a VT to dumb down the adds in the beginning. Still fumbled my way to ~61s. I don't think I can do sub 60, let alone sub 40. :(
Eek, if you're taking requests, do VT + (whatever other bombs of your choice). If you can just do it with just VT+Nitronome, awesome, but if you feel you need more then do use them.
Oh and I'm not trying to make you do it or anything. Not like I have a reward for you haha.
From the vids:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kikiW803PZE --> Sick
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRKikh-zLhs --> Eek5
I can see Eek5 having better bomb placement with only Ash & Nitro, while Sick had good shield taps with VV, Ash, Nitro & vials.
Oh question about R.Sunshard. Can...
1. ..multiple Shards hit the same target [like big JK, seems like it from the vid. Saw u popped one right under him Eek5, awesome sauce].
2. ..a single Shard hit more than one enemy as it flies [i.e. is it stopped by the first enemy it hits?]
3. Does a single Shard seem to hit an area equivalent to a Calibur radius? [from Eek5 blasting away blocks to get to the token, or did u aim the shards to strike between blocks?]
Yeah someone posted a video doing it a while ago. You probably can find it if you search for it