Fist fought a trojan for mine....absolutely delicious
What would you do for a klondike bar?
I would delve to the Core Terminal using 0star equipment for a Klondike bar.
I would drive to the gas station and pay like 2 dollars.
you meant 200 right?^ oh ok =p

Take Vanaduck down with my bare hands.
I would enter a jelly-themed danger room with a flourish

I pray you are joking and I am sure you are.
@What you're thinking
I would shoot vanaduke in the balls with a proto gun
@USEFBerrier Depending on what stage he's at, you are going to hit many times :P

wait, so there like an icecream sandwich? pfft they'd melt here in like a minute. Good ol' non australian products that i have no idea exist.

You puny Americans and your fast food products.
Us Australians eat raw crocodiles and sharks then wash it down with an ice cold Foster's, mate.
I'd try to steal all three of my neighbor's kids' bikes.
Uh....I'd do the sensible thing and just buy it. :p

go in firestorm citadel with nothing but a brandish.
I would eat a stapler.
Whats a klondike bar....