Hey all, I was wondering, maybe in the future or something, is there ever gonna be an update which has gear going past 5 stars to maybe 6? or 7? and is it gonna end at tier 3 or continue past and go to tier 4 and/or tier 5 with new bosses and gear?I'm not looking for a complex answer. Just a yes or no would be fine. Anyone can really answer if they know. Thanks!
Question to the Devs/admins
I don't know if this is of any relevance but I always found it weird how big of a jump the stats for 3* gear were compared to their 4* versions. This made me think that they intentionally left themselves some working room with things. I can definitely see another Tier coming up though, if anything it'd be some kind of super tier where you need 5* gear to enter and even then its still a huge challenge.

lol, if they make 6* gear, then all the 5* players are gonna go insane, as they won't be the best fashion anymore. If they do, haha it's gonna be a blast.
You do realize that by adding 6* gear, current 5* players are going to be the first to get it anyway, right? And I'm sure most, if not all, will have enough funds to instantly craft it anyway, unlike the 2-4* players.
Also hunter, don't count on 6* until the Core opens, which is arguably never. Sadly, I don't expect this game to actually survive past the end of summer when everyone has a) better things to do, or b) reached the 'end' and quit. Unfortunately, the OOO team doesn't seem to understand how quickly they're running out of time.
*Sadly, I don't expect this game to actually survive past the end of summer when...*
don't forget, when Diablo 3 comes out ;)
Soon enough.