ok so in my opinion I think that chaos is worthless.. UNLESS, you can figure a combo of gear with max UV's.. But thats not what this is about...
I understand that the chaos cloak use to have ele/norm. Defense, with DMV bonus: low and CTR: med. With none of the decreased status resist... I agree with most people that it's just way to Over Powered. Well was. And I'm saying bring back the CTR:med and keep all the decreased status resists.. Lower them a little more if you have
To. Just tinker with it. Right now it's for fun and for people who want a challenge. Make it so it's able to be used for a reason please!
Give me a BUMP, if you agree...
If you don't agree give me a BONK, and explain why please
IGN: Vexon
Thank you,
Eh, I'll agree it certainly needs something, though I'm not sure CTR is it.
There's lots of things that could be done, as-is it's like a bad mad bomber.
I'd say, make the cowl give Elemental/Shadow resistance, at maximum. Full bar.
The cloak? Normal/Piercing. Again, full bar.
That'd give it decent protection to all damage types, but weakness to all status types.
I'd bump the damage up another notch too, giving it medium damage boost.