crafting take a lot of energy but is it worth it?
Is it better to buy or make equipment?
Add up the cost of the CE you'd need to spend crafting it yourself, and compare that to the price of the item.
Then pick the cheaper one.
LONG VERSION: It used to be that crafting was cheaper for everything back when the steam storm brought in all those new people, CE costs plummeted and prices for gear on the market went up. Now, with the crowd mostly thinned out and leaving behind only a few remnants (me, for one), the battle between the people trying to sell gear and sell recipes for 3* items continues, the price of CE has gone up, demand for new 2* gear is now considerably less, and all the people who were/are madcrafting now have an overabundance of gear that they simply can't get rid of. I once saw a guy advertise in trade channel selling 15 caliburs for 25K crowns. You can find most 2* gear at 2.5-3K crowns or lower, and right now that's only the cost of the energy required itself, not including the craft cost in crowns and the material value.
SHORT VERSION: Better to purchase 2* gear right off the market. I don't know about the 3* gear, but that takes 200 energy to make, so if you see anything that's 3* and it's being sold for 12000 crowns or lower, it's a good buy. If you don't factor in the material value, it now costs 13,000 crowns to craft a 3* item; however, that's not including the 2* item required to MAKE that item, so add ~3k.
2* items at 2-3K: buy it.
3* items at 16K or lower: buy it.
Keep in mind it may be cheaper if you craft your own 3* considering it takes a previous gear item to make it. Just do the math.
Don't forget that you're also paying for a recipe if you craft.
This makes it closer to:
2* items at 4k: buy it
3* items at 18k or lower if they don't need a 2* item (or you already have the 2* item to upgrade from), or 22k or lower if they need a 2* item you don't have: buy it
Farming/obtaining crowns to get 2 or 3-stars item is still doable by just running T1 content over and over. Making some profit from T1 runs is still possible (of course try to go SOLO as soon as you can, to get all the materials) but the current Energy/Crowns ratio is very bad and will require lots of repetitive runs to actually make some decent cash.
The REAL pain comes when you try to jump from 3-stars to 4-stars items. That will require a *TON* of Crowns. Not to mention 5-stars items.
4-stars items costs: 10.000 (vendor recipe) + 2.500 (alchemy cost) + 24.000 (400 energy) + materials. That's a grand total of 36.500 crowns IF you get the recipe directly from the npc (Basil). Most probably you will get it from the auction house... and you still need the mats. All of this will probably cost you something around 40.000/50.000 crowns (if you have the 3-stars item already).
Now... I am not into spending REAL money... but cashing 40K for a single item needs some kind of dedication (and time, unless you never sleep and play the game non-stop).
I think that spending some real money for the 3500 energy offer will save you some time (3500 energy = 210.000 crowns more or less). With 4-stars gear you can have some fun in T2 (where Danger Rooms and Arenas can be a pain if you're not decently geared... and they give the best profit).
I always buy up to 3*, then craft anything higher (since you have to).
so my 2star spur is is already lv 10, so would the lv10 help increase something when i make it a lv3 weapon? or same as i buy new lv3 arc razor?
No, that wouldn't help. You are better off upgrading ASAP, otherwise you are wasting heat.
so youre suggesting that i start using heat at 3star weapon and armor? since many people say you cant buy lv 4 item if im not mistaken?
It is impossible to sell 4* items and above, since u have to level ur 3* items to heat 5 before crafting... and crafting it will require binding.
Just ran the numbers, if you were to craft an entire set of gear (helm, chest, shield, two weapons) from 2* to 5* it would cost a grand total of:
7250 CE
and 244500 crowns
you can get the CE by spending 20$, or save up the crowns and buy it.
The crown cost does not take into account buying CE for crowns, and at that it would take about 55 days (of earning 4.5k crowns) of daily farming to save up.....
So if you are buying CE with crowns, again assuming you are making 4.5k a night, it would take around 110 days of daily farming to save up for the energy alone, at current 6000Cr/100 CE prices.
If you were to play for free, it would take around 165 days of daily farming to get to 5* gear.....
*free to play, pay to win indeed* :(
> *free to play, pay to win indeed* :(
I'm one of those who technically, deeply and mentally *HATE* spending real money for virtual-vanity items. That's why -for example- I accept a fixed fee every month but I don't like to blindly go on spending random (little) amounts of dollars for unknown reasons. Ultimately, this is why I felt "fine" spending a monthly fee for years in a very famous MMO game (Azeroth...).
That said, today I feel different and I slightly changed my mind. I'll try to explain why.
*** First: is the game really free? ***
Yes, no doubts about that. You can play as much as you like, if you know how to collect Crowns and convert them into energy. Sure it will take a lot of time to get better gear... but you're not paying a cent so that's perfectly fine and up to you if it's worth the required time.
*** Second: after some time, you are forced to pay if you really want to progress ***
Yes and No.
Yes... if you're anxious to see the endgame content and/or grind Crowns and materials faster. By spending some dollars you can get a full 4-stars set and easily grind Tier1-Tier2 for fame and glory.
No... if you just bother to play (in any way), chat, fight at a slow peace.
*** Third: paying customers get better stuff ***
No no, that's just wrong. Paying customers get stuff FASTER than others. That's all.
*** Fourth: paying customers waste real money to allow "free playing" for others ***
Well... that's true. If NO ONE spends a dollar... the game dies. So as long as SOMEONE is paying... everyone can play. As OOO (three rings) stated about the Pirate game, only 10% of subscribers pay. So every 100 players... 10 pay and 90 play for free (because those 10 paid something).
Now let me say something: I strongly encourage companies to allow players to spend real money to acquire gear/items. As long as you are able to get them for free too, of course (if you have the time and the patience for that). If a super-uber gun can be acquired paying 5 dollars OR spending 2 months of endless boss killing... it's just about giving OPTIONS.
Do you have money to invest but not much time to play? That's fine, spend some dollars and get your gear.
Are you broke but you still love playing the game? No problem, play for free and just have patience, the SAME gear is there for you too.
stanfy, you are ignoring many things:
- The prices you can sell mats for profit, which at a certain point can become your main source of revenue at starting from the deeper end of T2.
- 4.5k crown is not the best you can get for successful runs. You can use the crown you get from 100 mist energy to possibly either get a margin of profit, and play for longer to get even more crowns.
- Even if you aren't efficient enough to make your crown influx higher than your CE spending, you're still receiving a very considerable amount of mats to sell, which again are very profitable.
- Tier 3 runs can net you 8-10k per 100 energy at least if done correctly through crowns and mats. And even more if you stumble into highly sellable recipes from Basil.
- 5* gear, as much as others are saying it, are NOT necessary, unless you plan to fight something like Vanaduke. In fact, 5* weapons could even be weaker if you aren't past Tier 2, due to the nerfing of 5* equipment. Even then, they are only better once you are in the second half of Tier 3, and marginally so. When ignoring 5*, you reduce your costs by 40%.
- Factoring all of the above cuts the time to reach 5* at least a couple months, bringing it down to 3 instead of the 5 you initially stated. Yet, what other MMO do you know where you can get the best equipment you'd need in only a few months?
1. Sure selling the rarer mats from end tier 2 and tier three may be profitable, but everyone and their mother is doing this right now, and I would have to under-cut by quite a bit.
I don't want to auction off mats in case i need them to craft in the future
2. sure i can get more than 5k in a night doing non boss gates, but on a average boss run i only make around 4k, and I cannot beat JK/iron twins yet....
3. same as point 1....
4. If i cant beat those tier two bosses, I probably should not move on to tier three, especially because i don't have a leveled owlite shield (using barbarous thorn)
5. sure 5* gear may not be necessary, but it will make it a hell of a lot easier, especially when soloing.
6. World of Warcraft, Diablo 2, Warhammer online, those are the only ones i made it to end-game in, cant speak of others.
If you want to compare apples to oranges, then comparing this game to the above mentioned MMO's is laughable, just due to sheer content.
Say what you want but beyond the 4/5 different level themes, 4 (currently) bosses, and dozen or so armor sets (re-colors dont count) this game is quite lacking in content. the combat system/dungeon crawling aspect is all it really has going for it, and the developers limit you to one - two hours a day....
Yes CE can BE WASTED on elevators, but then you would just have to get more when it came time to craft.
> Say what you want but beyond the 4/5 different level themes,
> 4 (currently) bosses, and dozen or so armor sets
> (re-colors dont count) this game is quite lacking in content
That's true, and -overall- the game is very very simple: no classes, no skill-trees, ultrabasic auction house and so on. Still... it's very immediate and fun. The good thing is that you can do either pay and play faster OR don't and take it at a (very) slow peace.
As a veteran WoW player (by veteran I mean that I played it for years) let me say one thing: Blizzard developers are the KINGS of recycling and somehow manage to convince players that endless grinding, repetitive tasks (daily quests...) and infinite item replacing is the base for a fun MMO.
I was hooked into WoW, so I know what I am talking about. SKnights is NOT a WoW competitor at all (it's another genere, to be honest). But the good thing is that I can CHOOSE to waste my life to get a purple item and replace it the next month... or just cash some money and get "almost the best".
I wish WoW had such a feature. Do you want the super-fancy-amazing hunter Tier-11 armor set? Grind factions, do the same thing every single day for entire weeks/months... and then you finally get what you want (too bad, Tier 12 will come out soon and you will do that again). What if Blizzard gave me an option like "Pay 10 dollars for your super gear set and be happy"? Well...
5. sure 5* gear may not be necessary, but it will make it a hell of a lot easier, especially when soloing.
While the 5* versions of an item is always better than the 4* version (more damage, more defense, etc.) not matter what level you are on, even in T1, it isn't hard to die with full 5* equipment. There was a video posted not long ago of someone soloing the jelly king in only 3* equipment without dying. The roarmulus twins are far easier to solo.
Learning how to play the game is far more important than your equipment.
Generally you should just do the math to figure out what's cheaper. It's usually better to buy 2-3* gear though.