Can you join a boss fight level before fighting the boss? What about during the boss?
ie If I have 10 energy left, can my friend invite me when he gets to Snarby? It just seems kinda strange if you could but I wasn't sure so I thought I'd ask.
Joining Boss fights?

Of course, they only get one token if they beat the boss, since they only participated on one stage

So the amount of tokens you receive depends on how many floors you complete?

Yes. For the full amount of tokens, you need to be part of the run since the terminal before the boss levels.
That's not entirely true. You are guaranteed the full number of tokens if you join FSC at floor 25, one level after the start of the zone. It's also possible to get the full number of tokens if you join on floor 26; I've seen players get 2-3 tokens joining at this level. I've also seen players get 0 tokens for defeating Vanaduke when they joined mid-27, although they usually get 1.
I think it's at least partially tied to the time spent in the boss levels if you aren't there for the whole zone. It would be pretty time consuming to test this kind of thing accurately.

still the max now is only 3 tokens correct?
On some rare occasions 4 tokens drop.
5 used to be the max and pretty rare, but I haven't got 5 since the tokens per level update.
Not sure about Snarbolax, but for IMF, if you join at D15, you only get 2 tokens (even if you join right at the start before the other people move an inch) and if you join at D14 (before the elevator) you get 3 xD
Personally I just think it's a ploy to swindle more CE out of you... much like everything else :P

Meh it doesn't matter to me too much for Snarby since I only need 1 more token, but it's still useful information.
You cannot invite on the boss floor itself. This was implemented to prevent Token farming.
You can, however, invite your friends on the floor before a boss. If they have already been invited to that Clockworks instance, gone solo and ridden an Elevator they cannot come back in.