Mist Energy

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Gavenlarv's picture

When i play spiral knights, i have to share my mist energy with my brother and I using 1 computer. Is there any way we can sperate the mist energy? I cannot seem to find out how.

Legacy Username
Buy CE

If one of you purchase CE (with cash), your accounts will be separated forever.

Gavenlarv's picture

thank you for the advice! :D

Legacy Username
This work on steam as well?

This work on steam as well? so if I created another character on the same steam account with my main, if I purchase ce on my new account it will separate mist sharing?

Legacy Username
That's two characters under the same account, so...

... no. (You don't create a "new account" by creating a new character)

It would be the same thing if your account weren't of Steam.

This wiki article explains it in a better detail: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Energy_FAQ