Would the most damage over time be dealt by the sword with the VH ASI or the one that is using purely chaining CTR's?
What's more ideal? VH ASI or VH CTR Leviathan?
Both the Leviathan and Cold Iron Vanquisher shine when using their charged attacks, seeing as it hits three times if performed correctly. It kind of makes me laugh that people make posts like Metaphysic's without actually explaining WHY it is better.
I thought it was rather implied that the charge attack would be the reason CTR is better than ASI.
If you know what you're doing
It implies a lot, like that the reader knows what they're doing. I think anyone willing to ask this question clearly doesn't.

Some gear, such as vog, increase sword speed, so ASI UVs above medium are wasted. I prefer the ASI, however, because of the frequent times I don't use the charge attacks.
If your not into T3 or any area that requires heavy defense then I say go for CTR VH and just equip Swiftstrike Buckler. Then again, thats just me.
I have several Leviathans, and my ASI VH is my favorite simply because it allows me options with gear. To elaborate, with ASI VH, I can wear *one* piece of vog gear and have a max ASI Levi no matter what. You'll almost always need normal and elemental dmg protection from the vog, so that gives you armor/helm (depending on which piece of vog you have) a whole other piece of equipment to work with. This is great if, like me, you wear multiple hats and bounce between sword/gunner and sword/bomber. This, to me, is the biggest reason to go ASI - versatility.
I tend to think that the default Levi CTR is quick enough, and more importantly, I don't use it that much when running with groups. It simply sends mobs bouncing around too much and that makes it difficult for my teammates. Sure, I can move slower and be smarter with charged attacks, or I can simply slash the hell out of everything and be done faster.

I don't know, but here is a good compromise :3
Thanks for the advice guys, especially div3 :D
If you know what you're doing, CTR will vastly outperform ASI against almost all mobs.