Spikes are our friends!
I don't know if this is a bug or not, But I hope it isn't...
I was in depth 26 and I found some slimes and spikes, So I ran. The silly cubes ran onto the spikes and took damage. YES! Not much, But some damage. I felt happy about this cause those dreaded spikes are now mutual friends to us, They can either destroy us or help us get rid of unwanted nuisances. Sadly, I didn't get to see if it worked any other monster like a Lumber or Chroma, But heck spikes do damage!
Lol, is the vials doing single digit dmg a bug too?
Because they are now literally just crap from the street now.

Dont fix this bug I like the idea the Spikes can help us out *I used this to my advantage last night lol solo'ing tier 3* Since I hate the fact jelly and such can go on spikes and not get a scratch, but we get OWNED when were on the spikes =(
I think it's unfair that spikes/firepits/etc only hurt us, but you know, I get it--there have been times when an enemy can't reach me, but still tries to attack, and it just stands there on the spikes until it dies.
There are other times when I'll just be running through a level and find piles of heat and crowns lying on the spikes because, again, the monsters were too dumb to move...
Makes things too easy. :(

Well, we could say that it's unfair that players can swipe swords at each other in the Clockworks, but no damage is taken. On the other hand, if Lumbers smash their arms on Wolvers, the Wolvers get stunned.
Not sure if that's a bug either.

They don't just get stunned, they take damage too. I've seen lumbers take out jellies.

It's always been intended that Lumber slam attacks will knock other monsters around. They previously would actually damage other monsters, but that should no longer be the case. They can, however, stun their fellow monsters at lower tiers.
Well, hopefully those bomb jellies can still damage other creatures with the explosions.
...Me and my big mouth. We're going to lose that too, aren't we. ;_;

They should've saved this bug for April Fools.
Spikes rules: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/images/thumb/a/a3/Spiral_2011-03-11_15-52-...
I like how ex. Flamethrower Puppies does damage to monsters, as does any other monster too, don't fix this, it balances the game bit when you made it so hard.

@not_shiro: They do, and it's been verified on the Wiki long enough for the devs to notice (Clever Spiral Knights will use these as mobile explosive blocks to destroy other monsters). My guess (and hope!) is that it's totally intentional :D
You know what would balance the game? Friendly fire.
(no j/k)

Some things are intended to harm everything, like explosive blocks and blast cubes. Spikes are not one of those things as they are just too exploitable. This will be fixed in the next update.
Some other monster attacks will effect monsters in different ways, like heavy hitting attacks stunning (but not damaging monsters) or pushing them out of the way. We like these things. Collateral damage is fun in combat, but simply waiting as a group of monsters slowly die on a timed trap is not.
Could monsters at least try to avoid spikes? A healer camped out on a spike bed feels like he's exploiting me.
Sorry. ;___;