What weapon type is your primary weapon type?

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Legacy Username

I've seen people go gun only, or even bomb only.

Am I the only person here that would go sword only if any rational plan allowed me to?
Sawwy but I have to keep Graviton Bomb by my side.

Legacy Username

what? i have seen lots of people going with 2 swords, including me, and i havent seen any1 going with only guns or bombs.

Legacy Username
I would probably be bomb

I would probably be bomb only, using a toxic vaporizer, fiery vaporizer, nitronome, and graviton vortex. however, I need a sword or gun to waste away minerals. Which is why i have an ascended calibur.

Saphykun's picture
Well-rounded ftw

I have three trinket slots open, one for each type of weapon. So I don't really have a primary weapon type, heh.

Legacy Username
Swords 4 eva. I have a

Swords 4 eva.
I have a Winmillion, which can kinda be like a gun when I need to hit switches of a certain distance...
I actually don't use bombs, but I typically carry two swords (main + one I'm leveling) and a gun to take down Gun Puppies.

Legacy Username

I generally take sword/gun and agni, unless the enemies are fire in which case I take sword and gun, since I don't have a suitable replacement bomb.

Shoebox's picture
Bombs is a pretty cool guy

The Sealed Sword weapon variants fill the niche gap for hybrid guns and swords.
They're kind of like Gunblades in the way they operate, which means you can save three slots for bombs.

So if I had a choice I would main bombs, mainly the Venom Veiler, Shivermist Buster and Graviton Vortex and a Divine Avenger to fill the gaps I miss.

Legacy Username
I prioritize guns, but I've

I prioritize guns, but I've always kept my sword handy as a backup weapon.

I've been kind of itching to experiment, though...

Legacy Username
but shoebox, that means all

but shoebox, that means all your weapons are elemental. doesn't that leave you a weakness with gremlins and beasts?

Legacy Username
Graviton Vortex is Shadow

Graviton Vortex is Shadow damage.
And beasts in general aren't really hard to deal with.

Fallout's picture

yeah....i ONLY use bombs, and have only since... well for ages. (shivermist buster 2nd preview was epic). im decked out in my 2 charge trinkets, madbomber mask, azure armour(to make up for mad bombers unpleasant statistics) i got my irontech, nitronome+grem damage, heavy decon.... and sometimes a heavy hatchet for lols....

King-Tinkinzar's picture
I used to carry bombs, but

I used to carry bombs, but when players started quitting, and I was forced to solo, I encountered those levels with the unreachable puppies which made it harder to beat the level...
Now I carry a sword (ascended calibur) and a gun (firotech mk3)