Are these being reworked internally? I don't know anyone who's played this game for more than a week that doesn't groan or sigh when dungeon diving brings them to a Vault, especially in T2 and T3. The rewards they currently offer are fine for new players in T1 but the Crowns and heat (and potential item drops) need to go up by magnitudes in scale to be at all comparable to the gains from any normal floor (even excluding bonuses from danger rooms and arenas).
Treasure Vaults
I played through the Firefly Gate recently because I needed to waste some ME, and that Vault was pretty nice---but it still had energy gates, and the stuff behind those gates was NOT worth 3 ME. Half of what you got was vials.
I like the chromas being there, but honestly, Pyronic is right in that the T2 and T3 vaults are still not worth it. They've gotten better, but they're still not worth it. I'm more excited about graveyards than vaults at this point.

Interesting addition to Providence's comment above: treasure vaults can not be reached intentionally; rather, they appear on "mystery" levels now, as one of three possible levels you can reach.
However, a survey of available gates shows that for every "random" set in every currently open gate, a graveyard is always one of the alternatives. My party got mauled pretty badly by phantoms, and I was kind of surprised that graveyards seem to be just as unskippable as treasure vaults.
They should just combine the treasure vaults and graveyards, and see what happens.

I have to agree with your last statement I usually waste energy on vaults, but honestly, its not worth it since you either get vials I would rather like to see rare mats (not super rare but 5*) or just heat or crowns. Thats about it...
Aren't graveyards like treasure vaults?
Except they actually have more treaure?
There are tons of chests to get and monsters to kill.

they should just add monsters that run away from you and don't attack... but take forever to kill and drop lots of heat and coins and shards and sometimes even drops armor

@Darth that would be great idea I wouldnt mind it, but would there be a time constraint? Hmm could be a good mini-game cost 5 energy or something like that lol...
why is there Chromas?