I have looked around and I don't know how to check if there's a way to see what threads I've posted in... are there ways to do this? If so, please let me know how.
What Have I Posted In?
Thu, 07/14/2011 - 19:16
Legacy Username
Thu, 07/14/2011 - 22:39
Legacy Username
Indeed :D
That's what I've
Indeed :D
That's what I've been doing overall, but I'm using a different computer now.
It'd be a nice feature to implement, pretty basic in forums.
Thu, 07/14/2011 - 22:45

Some users add tags in the subject or always end their posts in something like
you may wish to try that (this goes with using the search button). Though considering how bad search is. I'm not sure how helpful this is.
Don't think there's a function for that at the moment.
If you want to keep track from now on, I suggest you bookmark them in your browser ^^