Just FYI, I've put in a request asking if something changed with the Mediawiki installation around Feb 7 to see if we can figure out the cause of the incorrectly done transparency for edges of resized images causing white outlines, especially evident in tables with dark cell backgrounds. I'll let you know what I find out. Sorry for not checking into this earlier!
White outline on resized images issue
I kind of blame the Wiki for the white borders... ^^; I remember a poison vial having a white border and Levonis and I made multiple attempts to get rid of the border. We use different programs and neither of us had problems with uploading similar pickups in the past D:
But YES! The SK Wiki direly needs to be fixed. If it's not the white outlines that bother me, it's the "YOO LOST SESHUN DATA HAHAHA LOG BACK IN PLZ" messages I get D: *sobs* Now I'm stuffing all my monster data (loot drops, locations) into Notepad. Good news is that once the Wiki is fixed, I only need to update the monster pages once!
It is the wiki doing the white borders, not the folks uploading. It's something to do with the resized images mediawiki's getting. The transparency on all of them is completely correct.
For the session data lost thing, just click on Save again. At least that works for me.
oh gosh, and here i thought my screens were off whenever i saw one of those lines. Reuploaded a few of them because of it... god dammit...
Is there any way we can check out the algorithm used for resizing to see if we can find the problem?
No, I don't have server access. That's why I put in an inquiry. It may just not be a high priority with what's probably a long to do list for the game launch.
I'll let you all know whenever I find out. In the meantime I may be changing the dark table backgrounds so it doesn't look so odd with the outline. It can be changed back whenever the image issue is addressed.
Interestingly, the white outline seems to be gone, if I change the image in some way: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/index.php?title=Sandbox&oldid=12543
So manual fixing of annoying cases seems to be possible. Usually MediaWiki is configured to let ImageMagick do the rendering of resized images, was there anything changed in that direction?
Haven't received a reply about whether anything changed.
Not so sure about the whole white outline thing being gone. Several trinket icon images were just uploaded in the past few hours and they have the issue if viewed on a black background.
I think there's still something to do with how people are editing their images. I just uploaded an I've got no funny issues on the transparency of my stuff.
No, I haven't changed how I do mine and they get the mysterious issue. Didn't previously. It's generally not obvious except when seen as a resized image on very dark background. Things like stats images that are not resized do not have the issue.
Good to see an easier way to spot these.
What we really need to do is whip up an image cropping guide so no one has to re-edit the shots for correct transparency.
My SK image tweaking binges have been seriously reduced in the wake of the spring games releases. I need more hours in a day!